Wednesday, May 29, 2013

*May Happenings Part I*

May has been super fun and super crazy and challenging all at the same time!  With it being the end of school, the evenings have been filled with end of the year parties, academic banquets, athletic banquets, graduation parties and ceremonies, preparing to move, along with our discipleship groups, etc.  On top of all that, Rance suffered several attacks on his body over a 3 week period!

Let's live it up through pictures, what do you say?

  • We had an end of the year party for the cross country team at Whisper Mountain!  Rance and I are constantly encouraging team bonding amongst the runners.  The Fall 2013 team will be taking a trip up to Whisper Mountain in August for a 2 night stay to bond as a team and start the season study in Scripture.

If you have never been here, you should come!

It was very fun watching a bunch of runners play volleyball!

Lindy surprised everyone one by being there!

  • The Friday that I headed out for Trinidad was the day all the attacks began on Rance's body.  Rance is allergic to both poison oak and wasp/bee stings.  On that Friday, he was with a group of guys on the way home from visiting a church plant in Ducktown, TN only to come upon a tree that had fallen in the middle of the road.  (Let the spiritual attacks begin).  Since it was close to midnight and very dark out, Rance had no idea that this tree was covered in poison oak at the time.  By the next day, his body was covered in it.  A couple of days later, he was stung by a wasp in our bedroom.  I got home from Trinidad and the poison oak was not much better but the wasp sting was.  A few days later, Rance began limping due to the pain in his leg/foot.  Was this still poison oak?  Nope, he now had a STAPH infection except it was not in the beginning stages - it was severely infected, irritated, very red, and swollen.  He visited the school nurse the next day and she prescribed him an antibiotic.  By the following evening the infection was much worse so we ventured off to Murphy urgent care.  The doctor there refused to cut into the staph because it was so close to the bone and muscles in his foot and she did not want to spread it.  She prescribed a 2nd antibiotic and gave us precautions to take to monitor if it was getting worse.  By Monday, Rance's foot was huge, in so much pain, and very scary.  Father made it clear in my prayer time to head to the ER.  He winked at us BIG in the emergency room that night when we were told Dr. Castor would be in to see us ASAP which was the SAME doctor that cut into my leg 2 years ago when I had Staph.  I could have jumped into his arms but that might have been weird.  He ended up cutting into Rance's foot in 3 or 4 different places.  We left hours later with Rance on crutches, more antibiotics, and lots of bandages and things to care for this nasty, wicked thing.  By Friday, Rance woke up in rashes ALL over his body.  What on earth?  Ends up, one of the antibiotics he was taking was a sulpha drug which he is allergic to.  We are thankful that during all of this we both clearly recognized that these were spiritual attacks.  Our prayer was that the genuineness of our faith would be found to the PRAISE OF HIS GLORY.
In the Emergency Room

boo bear on crutches

waiting on my little patient

  • On a random side note - this is a typical day going over the mountain in Robbinsville.  Motorcyles, hikers, tourists, kayakers are EVERYWHERE!

  • We had a family date with Marla, Devin, Kenleigh and Rance's mom too that we thoroughly enjoyed!
Our sweet niece after eating TONS of pickles and oranges!  She LOVES both.

Tearing this pickle up :)

May Happenings Part II coming soon...

1 comment:

  1. I read this last night & hurt for Rance. We prayed for his healing this morning. Please tell me that May II looks up for him :-)
