Tuesday, March 22, 2011


*1 Corinthians 10:31*
Therefore, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do,
do it all for the glory of God.

This verse in scripture says it all and has become a daily prayer of mine.  No matter what we are doing, where we are, or what situation we are in...every single thing we do...whatever that may be...we should be doing it ALL FOR THE GLORY OF GOD.  Did you get that?  Not for MAN'S glory, not to glorify ourselves, not to glorify some thing, but to GLORIFY HIM...

Do you do that my friend?

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Love the OUTDOORS...

This past weekend was one of my FAVORITES because...

#1 - my ROOZY (Dee) was here for the first time ALLLLLL weekend along with my brother & my cousin Brooke!
#2 - it involved MUCH time OUTDOORS enjoying Jesus!
#3 - the weather was GORGEOUS!
#3 - it included our family here too - Frank, Lil Frank, Cody, Ronnie (Rance's dad!), KALA, Charleton...
#4 - It involved a little bit of danger - these trails were NO joke!
Just to share some of the fun...
Kala, Roozy, Travis, Brooke, Jenni, Rance - the fun is about to begin :)

This pic doesn't even come close to showing the DANGER we experienced! 
Although you can see here Brooke opted out of riding across the Creek!
Kala is THE WOMAN! 


The entire group riding :)

HA...lots of CAMO!

Yes that's my husband on the right!  SUCH A KID AT HEART!

Please tell me you are laughing...I AM!!!
LoVe those 3!
Made it to the TOP of the Mountain!  It's called The SKYWAY!

Group Shot in the Creek!

Love Roozy's Facial Expressions


Warming our feet at the end of the day :)

Sunday morning at Stecoah Gap - right by our cabin!

More pics if you would like to see!

Thank you Jesus for a best friend of many YEARS, an awesome Godly brother, a cousin that's more like a sister, the kid in my husband, and the INCREDIBLE family I married into. 

Psalm 9:1
I will give thanks to the Lord with my whole heart;
I will recount all of your wonderful deeds.

Psalm 105:1-2
Oh give thanks to the Lord; call upon his name;
make known his deeds among the peoples!
Sing to him, sing praises to him;
tell of all his wondrous works!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

~My Prayer Today~

Heavenly Father,

My heart is overjoyed because YOU are so good Father, so infinite and Your love is so vast.  Thank you Jesus for a little over 27 years ago when you began knitting Rance in his mother's womb.  Lord thank you that in Jeremiah 1:5 your Word tells me that before you formed Rance in the womb...you knew him...you knew every little detail about him...you ordained every single day in his life before one of them even came to be (Psalm 139:16).  Lord God it's so overwhelming and mind-blowing that you knew when he would say his first word, take his first step, and shoot his first deer before any of it ever happened.  God you saw it all and still do.  Your Word even says the very hairs on our head are numbered (Luke 12:7).  Lord if only we could grasp your infinite love for us.  Thank you that you make no mistakes and that there are no accidents. 

Lord I am so thankful for Rance's birthday today and for his precious life but more importantly Father, I THANK YOU FOR HIS SPIRITUAL BIRTH - THAT TIME PERIOD IN HIS LIFE WHEN HE ACCEPTED YOU AS HIS SAVIOR.  I cannot imagine the view from heaven Father but every time I hear that someone has made a decision to ask Jesus Christ to be Savior and Lord, I think of Luke 15:10 "In the same way, I tell you, there is rejoicing in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents."  I cannot fathom a party in heaven but one day we will get to experience that with You!  Lord I praise you for all the guardian angels you put in Rance's path along the way and all the times you intervened to protect him from harm.  Jesus thank you for the man of God you created in Rance and for all the amazing Godly men You so perfectly placed around him in college to disciple him, love on him, encourage him and point him to YOU (LIKE COREY PENDERGRASS!).  Thank you DADDY for all the years he fasted and prayed for his wife because You knew all along that he was praying for ME.  Rance had no idea what my name was, but YOU did Lord.  I honestly cannot even pray this without many, many tears simply because I know You heard Rance's many prayers and answered each one of them by working in my life during that time in a crazy, mighty way.  Thank you Jesus for a man of God who prays.  I know I am where I am today in my relationship with You Jesus because of the people that were praying for me along the way and I had NO idea - Rance, Marie, my mom...

Lord I praise You for the abundant life that You offer (John 10:10).  God thank you for every joy, every trial, every smile, every tear that Rance has faced during this life here on earth thus far because I know everything he's been through has been for YOUR GLORY and has enabled him to share in YOUR sufferings and to KNOW you more (Phil. 3:10).  Reflecting back, I can see Your hand in it all.  Your timing is so perfect.  I'll never forget the day You ordained for Rance and I to meet in Trinidad.  I'll also never forget praising you for showing me such a Godly man.  But Lord, I will never be able to thank you enough for allowing me to be the one to call Rance my husband.  God I'm so thankful for his heart, his love for You, his passion for You, his constant JOY that comes from YOU, his boldness for You, and his desire to honor and glorify you in everything.  How am I so blessed Lord? 

Jesus I'm asking you to bless Rance so much today.  May he feel how wide and long and high and deep Your love is extra much today (Ephesians 3:18).  Thank you Jesus for giving me a partner in life that desires YOU more than me, that loves YOU more than me, and that will choose YOU over me. 

In Jesus' Name I pray...

 Happyyyyyyyyyyy Birthdayyyyyyyyyyyy!!!  I thank God for YOU, Rance Haven Shuler :)