Friday, January 13, 2012


We woke up to a few inches of snow this morning and so it's COLD and WHITE! :)  I wish I could capture how picture perfect it is but you will just have to trust me on it or come see me one because a picture doesn't do it justice!  Does it ever though?

 8 Cause me to hear Your lovingkindness in the morning,
For in You do I trust;
Cause me to know the way in which I should walk,
For I lift up my soul to You. 
Psalm 143:8

One more thing...

I'd like to send this to my bff Mandy today :)

She's not a big fan of cold weather :)  I love you!

HAPPY FRIDAY!  Hope all of you youngin's & teachers (AHEM) in Robbinsville have a GREAT day since school is closed!

Thursday, January 12, 2012


What are you jealous for?

This is something that's been on my mind and heart for a couple of weeks now. Do you ever do a self-evaluation?  Oh I do because my standard is Jesus and so there is always and will always be something about me that needs to change to be more like Him. If not, I'd be perfect. I would not even need Jesus because I'd be Jesus. That thought is simply scary.

Why am I bringing this to your attention? Well, I was reading my Bible with my husband and reading a new devotion The Cline's gave us for CHRISTmas the other day and as I'm reading I came across the question...

"Do you guard your time with Jesus with jealousy?"

I read it at least 10 times thinking I must have read this question wrong. Nope, I did not. It was VERY clear. It hurt. I rephrased the question in my mind "Do I, Jennifer Brooke Shuler, guard my time with Jesus as so valuable, so important, so top priority, so precious, so off the charts, that I would not and will not let ANYTHING get in the way or come in between my time with Him every day because it is THAT important (as in BIG DEAL can't live without it)." I pondered on this but immediately knew the answer. No, I do not (ouch!). Talking about a hard self-evaluation. You see, I LOVE LOVE LOVE spending time with my DADDY every day. In fact, He is a part of my everyday, my conversations, my getting ready in the morning, my work that day. I talk to Him all day long. It's a never ending conversation. I pray constantly. I read my Bible not out of duty but because I want to. But that is not what the question asked. Do I guard my time with Him with jealousy? I started thinking IF I had not had my quiet time that day and something came up - would I guard that time with such jealousy that there is no way I'd even want to actually do something else because it would be like a huge, heart-sinking, can't breathe issue if I didn't have my time with my Jesus that day.   The I cannot live without spending time with Him feeling because I cherish that relationship above all else.    Above my husband, my children (obviously all of these don't apply to me), my friends, my family, my meals, my job, my to do list, my church time, my daily exercise routine, my house chores, my TV time, and the list goes on according to what takes up your/my time. Oh dear. Conviction. It hurts, but it's beautiful.

I realized as important as I think my quiet time with Jesus is to me - that I do not guard it with jealousy on a daily basis. I let things get in the way or let the time slip away doing something that is clearly not more important. I get caught up in the busyness of my job and sometimes feel so tired by the end of the day after dinner that I tell myself I need to spend a little time with my husband or I need to go to bed earlier or I need to wash clothes.

What gets in the way of your time with Jesus? Is your time with your husband or your significant other what you guard with jealousy? Are you so addicted to a TV show that you would definitely guard that time with jealousy more than spending time with your Saviour that day? Is the gym and being physically fit something that you make time for always even if that means you aren't spending any quiet time with Jesus that day?

The thing is - I say my relationship with Jesus is the most important priority in my life but how can that be true if I'm not spending time with Him and guarding that time with jealousy?  What we spend our time doing each and every day clearly reflects priorities. Check out your calendar or daily to do list.  How am I getting to know Him more if I'm not guarding my time with Him with jealousy in such a way that nothing gets in the way of me spending time with Him because it's simply top priority!  Obviously we should not spend time with Jesus because we have to but because we desire to Know Him more, afterall that is our purpose on this earth is it not?

[For my determined purpose is] that I may know Him [that I may progressively become more deeply and intimately acquainted with Him, perceiving and recognizing and understanding the wonders of His Person more strongly and more clearly], and that I may in that same way come to know the power outflowing from His resurrection [which it exerts over believers], and that I may so share His sufferings as to be continually transformed [in spirit into His likeness even] to His death, [in the hope]
Philippians 3:10 (AMPLIFIED)

I love how the Holy Spirit reveals Truth in our lives and even when it hurts or stings - the beauty of it is we can choose to keep doing things our own way (and be our own god) or we can choose to allow the Spirit to reign and rule over our lives! I'm so thankful for conviction. I'm thankful for friends who speak the truth in love. I'm thankful for a husband that lovingly confronts me when my attitude or my actions are not glorifying Jesus. Even when the truth hurts, I'd rather truth be revealed than to be living in such a way that isn't bringing God glory.

How about a cup of coffee, the Bible, and some QT with JC?!?

Happy Thursday Friends!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

A Viewing of My Office!

I often get asked what my office looks like in Robbinsville and if I work from home everyday, etc.  Just to clarify, I do NOT work from home everyday.  For those of you who know me know that I might be a nutcase if I worked from home everyday and never left the house.  My job and working from home was a much prayed for decision before I moved to Robbinsville and the Lord provided amazingly through Rance's aunt!  She has no idea what a BLESSING she is to me but she has her own insurance agency in town and she so graciously allowed me to set up an office inside her building to work from so I would not have to work from home everyday alone.  What's awesome is, I can do a mixture from week to week!  Some days I work at home in my pj's and other days I do actually shower and get dressed up in my yogas and hoodie and head to town! 

What you don't know is - I worked from the office all through 2011 with no pictures and very little spice in my office.  Over CHRISTmas, I decided to boost my morale and attitude towards busy season by giving my office a little lovin' and a little sas!  Rance and I spent a couple hours after church on New Year's Day hanging pictures and adding a little spunk to the office.  I still have a few more things I'd like to do but for now, the pictures, the $10 coffee maker from the Dollar General, and the fun candle from my sweet friend Kelly definitely make the office more cozy!

Welcome to my office! 
FYI - this was after church (please don't think I dress up for work haha!)

A wedding gift from my cousin Brooke :)

Thank you CANDICE for my trash can :)

This is where you will find me living over the next few months during busy season :) 

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Our New Year's Tradition

So I would say after 3 years it has become a tradition to spend our New Year's Eve in Gatlinburg, TN with my two cousins Abigail & Olivia and my Uncle Craig.  My first trip to Robbinsville was in December 2009 and that was the year we began our New Year's tradition in Gatlinburg :) 

We left on New Year's Eve and headed to Gatlinburg.  It's about an hour and a half drive and it's absolutely breathtaking.  We love stopping at the same stops as we cross over the mountain and enjoying God's  invisible qualities.

The State Line Baby on December 31, 2011
Same Pose DECEMBER 2009!!!

Have I mentioned how much I love these 2 girls and how much they LOVE JESUS?

Another tradition on our new year's visit....


After a fun day of hanging out and talking about what the Lord has done and is doing in each of our lives, we stayed up until midnight eating, drinking hot chocolate/coffee, playing Apples to Apples and laughing until we hurt.

It's hard to believe it's 2012!!!

Monday, January 9, 2012

FuN SuRpRiSeS!

I just got a very special afternoon delivery to the office...

Starbucks drinks, Mt. Dew, YooHoo, and a cute lil' flower to jazz up my office :)

Busy Season - you are going down!

Thank you husband!!!

Recap of CHRISTmas...

Rance and I were able to spend ONE week in Nahunta with my family for CHRISTmas and every minute we were there was such a blessing!  It's still so funny to me that years ago I would not have looked into my future and EVER suspected living 6 hours from my family and in the mountains of Robbinsville, NC.  The Lord knew all along and sometime I will share the spiritual journey it's been! 

Just to share a few pictures...

My sweet little Godchild, Mackenzie!

My Fly Fisherman and his new gear :) 
(Thank you Billy & Joanne Knight)

2 doe my brother shot on CHRISTmas Eve.
We got home from church service and 5 minutes later he had shot them both?!  Yes true story!

My mom & her 2 brothers on CHRISTmas Eve!
Olivia, Uncle Craig & Abigail
I love that we take the same pictures in the exact same spots every.single.year!

They are two precious girls!

This picture is taken every year too except the photographer was struggling to cut out the mirror! HA!

My sweet friend Laura May
She is pregnant and due in JUNE!!!

My sweet husband on CHRISTmas morning!
Boy did we have fun :)

My brother, mom, dad, and hubby on CHRISTmas morning EARLY!
Yes that's my trailer ;)
Traditional pose also :)
Two peas in a pod!
cousin & brother :)

My mom's reaction to the wedding photo book I made her for CHRISTmas!
One of our CHRISTmas morning stops and it came with EXCITING NEWS!!!
My cousin summer (in the middle) told us she is PREGNANT!!!!!!!!!!!!

lil front porch rockin'!

Movie on CHRISTmas night :)

LONG awaited date with Sara, Colton, and Elizabeth (my partna!)

You may have noticed the PREGNANCY announcements above but I cannot help but mention ONE MORE that I found out about on CHRISTmas morning! :)  My friend Candice text me to share the EXCITING news that she is expecting in JULY.  OH PRAISE HIM! 

Thank you Jesus for such a special week with family and friends but most of all thank you for defining CHRISTmas!