Monday, December 23, 2013

Indiana Road Trip in a BLIZZARD...


Last weekend, Rance, lil Frank, and I headed back to Indiana for the weekend and although we did not get in a blizzard, we did get to see and drive in A LOT of snow!  The three of us (or maybe I should say 4 counting "hootie") headed down on Friday afternoon and back on Sunday.  Rance and I were pumped to have lil Frank join us and also estatic to be staying the weekend with Eric & Ellen (Eric is one of the leader's in the church and Ellen is his rockin' out wife). 

Saturday consisted of several hours of amazing conversations about the Lord, what we are all learning and the crazy spiritual journey we have all been on this past year.  It is so encouraging to be able to share these conversations with others in the Body of Christ and to edify and pray for one another. 

I love this building in Eric & Ellen's back yard -
 it looks like it belongs in the mountains!!!

Roads were covered even though they were constantly scraped!

Rance, Eric and Lil Frank scraping the neighbor's driveway! 

Saturday also consisted of playing in the snow & building a very unique snowman.  Part of this time I was in the house with Ellen building a fire and taking pictures from the window.  We honestly laughed nonstop watching these 3 build a snowman (going about things totally different than we would have).
Here it goes...

Eric rolling the center of the snowman!

Please notice how uneven the layers are and when they
added the head (Ellen & I predicted this) - it broke the
center of the snowman b/c the head was bigger than
the center!  Oh how we laughed inside!

They asked for a red kitchen table cloth for this lovely cape!

Yes, that is BLACK spray paint and YES, those are abs!

And apparently the snowman got SAVED!

Lil Frank and I were beyond excited at the site of snow because that meant SNOW CREAM!!!  Eric & Ellen had never had snow cream so we had to show them all of it's goodness!

Oh my this was amazing!

Ellen, Lil Frank, Eric

So much love between these two!


The church parking lot was lovely and safe on Sunday morning!
The troops heading back to North Carolina!

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