Sunday, December 8, 2013

Kenleigh's FIRST Birthday

On Saturday, November 9th - our niece, Kenleigh, turned ONE year old!  Rance's mom and I headed to Blairsville, Georgia that Saturday to celebrate!  Unfortunately, I forgot my camera so a few iPhone pics will have to work!

Marla, myself, and Kathleen (Rance's sister & mama)
Sweet birthday girl!

The birthday girl got sick in the middle of her party hence why she is a naked baby ;)
Rance and I got her this chair for her birthday and she was quite entertaining with it. 
She would not leave her chair.  I think she felt like an adult!

And I must share some of her 'one year old' pictures taken by Marla, her talented mama!








HAHAHAHA!  I think she was burnt out on pictures or cake one ;)

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