Tuesday, December 10, 2013

*Soon to be a Family of Three*

As I write this blog, it is still hard to believe I am pregnant.  Seriously hard to believe.  So let's rewind a little shall we...

Rance and I have been ready to have children for a LONG time.  So many people say 'you can never be ready' but we were ready to start that next chapter of our lives.  For over a year the Lord led our family (my husband) to not pursue having a child yet and we gladly submitted to Father's leading.  The desire for a child was there the entire time but our desire to pursue how we felt Father was leading us far superceded that desire for a child.  When we felt released to pursue having a child, it was no 'quick' process for us.  What Father did in my heart during this time was worth waiting for all over again.   Believing wholeheartedly that He knows what is best for me each day is so refreshing!

On Saturday, September 28th, 2013 - I finally decided to take a pregnancy test after Rance insisted.  I fully expected NOT to be pregnant so when the test showed POSITIVE I stood there in shock.  I went and showed Rance and you can only imagine his flipping out excitement yet I remained in the 'am I really pregnant?' mode for forever and still think I am there sometimes!  How you go from not being pregnant to being a factory for another human being is unbelievable?!?!?!

At 5 weeks, we had our first doctor's appointment where they confirmed and tried to convince me I was in fact, pregnant!  At 8 weeks we had our first ultrasound and got to see baby hootie and Rance could not stop giggling the whole time.  At 12 weeks we heard that little heart beat at 155bpm (what a sweet, sweet sound)!

How have I felt?  Nauseas, nauseas, nauseas.  Tired, tired, tired.  Rejoicing, rejoicing, rejoicing!  You all know Rance and I are super energetic people so this has been a whole new world for us in adjusting to me physically being exhausted!  It was hard for me to come to terms with the fact that I need to rest, say no to some things, and be okay with staying home and laying on the couch if needed.  WHEN HAVE I EVER JUST SAT ON THE COUCH???!!!  The last few weeks :) 

Everyone has told me since day one that I can look forward to the 2nd trimester because I will have abundant energy and the nauseas will be GONE.  It's neat how the Lord prepares your heart because the last several weeks I have prepared myself for the fact that this nauseas feeling (most of the day every single day) may not go away the entire pregnancy.  You know what?  I am totally okay with that.  Is it fun?  Heck no!  Would I like to just be able to eat anything and not be so daggone picky?  YES!  Is it worth it?  Duhhhhhhhhhh!  I have officially entered into my 2nd trimester and the nauseas is still hanging out so we shall see what the next few months hold.

Moving right along...

When it came to telling everyone we were pregnant, that overwhelmed me.  I am NOT a 'center of attention' kind of gal and the thought of everyone being focused on ME is just not something I enjoy or dream of.  Rance had the idea of announcing our pregnancy through the mail and I could kiss him a million times for loving me so well and even being the one who took our pictures for the cards (Yep, he is a pro at setting up the camera on timer). 

So it's official people - Lord willing, we are expecting Baby Shuler in June of 2014 (June 7th is the official due date).

In the meantime, we would LOVE your prayers for our family and many unknown future decisions! 

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad I had my dream before I got card in the mail. Such exciting news! Happy for you both as you enter this next season in life. Love & miss you!
