Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Returning back to Indiana!

I often times want to write a letter like Paul wrote to the church of Ephesus or Philippi except mine would be to the Church of Zionsville!  Rance and I may have only spent a summer in Zionsville, Indiana but from February (when our journey began with our brothers & sisters in Zionsville) until now...
  • Father has given us a paradigm shift when it comes to church - from how Father designed it, to how it should function, to how leadership should operate, to the purpose of the Body. 
  • Father has allowed us to experience the unity of working together with a like-minded team with the same goal, same Spirit, same mind with a variety of different spiritual gifts. 
  • We have been able to understand a whole new realm of discipleship and what it means to say 'follow me as I follow Christ.'
  • Our view of Jesus love for His Bride has blown us away - when most would focus on numbers and results - Jesus mindset is completely different.
  • Father has challenged us and is currently challenging us on what being a family of faith looks like and what it really means to 'walk by faith.'
  • We may not physically be there living among our brothers & sisters now but we are privileged to get to go to battle for them daily in prayer as they make many tough  decisions for the future & we are grateful to be in constant contact with them.

Two weeks ago, Rance, myself, and a few members of our church family here in Robbinsville headed to Zionsville, Indiana for the weekend!  IT WAS SO LOVELY TO BE BACK!  Don't get me wrong, I AM SO THANKFUL FOR TECHNOLOGY AND PHONE COMMUNICATION BUT seeing people face to face is far more precious!  It almost felt like Rance and I stepped back into our previous life for the weekend.  It seems like the time there was so quick but we are thankful that we were able to see almost everyone in such a short time span.  

One of the most encouraging parts of the weekend was to hear the leaders in the church & their wives share with members of our church family back in Robbinsville what the Lord has done in their lives over the last 7 months.  WOW.  They are different people with a totally different mindset that have been and are willing to change and continue to be all in no matter the costs.  How beautiful it is!

I was a slacker with my camera for the weekend but here are a few snapshots!

We couldn't help but take a picture with this bear since it reminded us of ROBBINSVILLE!
Ellen & I - it was so fun to finally squeeze her again!

Shootin' some hoops with Dylan & James & Andrew!

This definitely felt like old times again - playin' cornhole! (except we had to move it to the gym instead of outside since the weather was a HIGH of 28 degrees that Saturday)

Notice the cornhole boards Eric built after we left from the summer! AWESOME!

*David, Rance & James*

Just to share a really fun story - when Carrie, David, and Chloe came to Robbinsville to stay with Rance and I back in September - she told us that she had just found out that she was pregnant!  Oh what fun it was celebrating that news with her.  Keep in mind, I was not pregnant (to my knowledge).  I had a really crazy (actually AWFUL) dream that I shared with Carrie that Sunday and her immediate response was 'You are pregnant!'  My response 'You are crazy, I'm not pregnant!'  Apparently you have really crazy off the wall dreams when you are pregnant.  Anyways, it wasn't until 2 days after she left that I took the pregnancy test and was in fact, PREGNANT.  Long story short, I got to tell her in person when we were in Indiana and we realized we are only FOUR DAYS apart.  What fun timing!

Yep, FOUR days apart :)

This picture makes my heart explode - oh how I miss Dylan & Jeanna!
MUCH LOVE to our family in Zionsville - We will be back again soon ;)

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