Thursday, January 2, 2014

Looking back on 2013....


I'll recap on CHRISTmas soon but the last couple of days Rance and I spent at the house (rare and so needed) doing several projects but also spending much time with Father (in the Word, in prayer, and being STILL) and time together reflecting back on this last year.


Our heart's desire is to constantly be growing spiritually, KNOWing Father more, becoming more intimate with Him, and changing to look more like His Son daily.  When I think back on 2010 - that was a year of change for me - BIG CHANGE; however, when I think back on this year, Father grew us in so many areas individually and in our marriage that were completely unexpected and through lots of physical attacks on our family (especially Rance).

Just to recap:

As 2013 began, we had no idea what the Holy Spirit was doing behind the scenes until He decided to reveal Himself and rock our world through our connection with His Bride in Zionsville, Indiana.  I remember vividly the time Rance and I spent on our knees in prayer expecting the Holy Spirit to make our role clear in it.  Little did we know we would soon commit to moving to Zionsville, Indiana for the entire summer but the Holy Spirit knew - the question was, would we be obedient to Him? (DUH!).  In the meantime, we were challenged with effectively balancing our time with full time jobs, discipleship groups, sermon prep time for Rance and traveling back and forth to Indiana.  It's incredible what strength the Lord provided where we did not grow weary but rejoiced in the work He was calling us to do. 

In the meantime, the physical attacks began which we know all came from the evil one doing his best to attack our family.  As I headed to Trinidad in April 2013, remember the attack that happened (read here!) on Rance which started as poison oak covering his body, which then turned into a severe, awful staph infection, which then led to him breaking out in rashes/hives all over due to an allergic reaction to medicine (all in a span of 2 weeks)!  The physical attacks did not end there though.  Let's not forget when he messed up his leg at the beginning of XC season and could not run the rest of the season (read this!).  He has been so sick this year on several different occasions including over CHRISTmas.  He has joked that he's spent more time on the couch having to lay down this year than in all of year's past combined.  Not only did Rance suffer several physical attacks but so did our teammates as well as my family (just recently). 

The GIFT is all we have learned through these trials and attacks - knowing that we have HOPE and access to the abundant life even in the midst of intense circumstances and it's only through Him and His Spirit that we can do WELL physically, mentally, and spiritually.  Suffering had me on my knees before Father several times in 2013 where all I knew to do was ask for His wisdom, hand it over to Him, trust Him fully, and guard my mind from the 'what ifs' that wanted to enter.  I am so grateful we can have JOY in Him and because of Him no matter the hardships that surround us.

Several other JOYS & highlights in 2013 include:

Spending time with my TRINI family and best friends from back home in Trinidad!
Discipleship among these two brothers began!

Having the privilege to begin discipleship with my 2 cousins - Brooke & Lauren

Discipleship with these gals! I love them deeply!
Time spent in the GREAT OUTDOORS hiking...
...not to mention time hiking with FAMILY visiting from out EAST!!!!!!!
The time spent with my family may have been less in 2013 but every minute counts!

Ben & Jess moving to Robbinsville and WYATT being born :)

Working together as teammates in ministry with these rock stars!
The amazing bond we have with our Brothers & Sisters in Christ in Zionsville!
Best friends that will hold me accountable and always have my spiritual best interest at heart.
Best friends that will hold Rance accountable
and always have his spiritual best interest at heart!

Bonding with our church family from Robbinsville in Indiana this summer!

The ministry the Lord has provided through Rance coaching XC! It was a challenging season with several injuries but even through those we rejoice! The team is still going through a study on the book of Ephesians on Sunday mornings!
These two crazies began meeting weekly!

Watching lil Frank grow spiritually this past year and the bond these two share grow deeper and deeper!
Hunting is always a JOY especially when Rance can go with his daddy!

Let's not forget Rance's favorite - FLY fishing (which he rarely had time to do in 2013) and time bonding with cousin David!

Finding out we are expecting a baby in 2014!!!

I have thanked the Lord a million times
for the teammate He gave me in this life,
my husband!

We have no idea what 2014 has in store but we are thankful we have the opportunity to walk by faith each day and trust Father along the way!

1 comment:

  1. CONGRATULATIONS! Spoke with your mom Friday. Just wanted to let you know that I enjoyed reading your blog!
