Monday, January 27, 2014

OVER Halfway Baby!!!

Saturday, January 18th  officially marked 20 weeks friends! 

I know so many people are so on top of things with their first pregnancy but that has not been me!  It took me about 15 weeks to realize I was in fact pregnant.  So many people were wanting to talk about the nursery and the registry and showers and all sorts of things that had not even crossed my mind yet.  Once I established "I am pregnant, baby is in the womb' (maybe that had to do with the growing bump) -  I have JUST NOW began thinking 'what exactly do I need to do to prepare for a baby?!' 

So just a few things that I do not want to forget:

Things I crave:  Fruit, fruit, and more fruit!  Seriously, I wish I knew how much money we have spent on apples, bananas, strawberries (those 3 being my favorite), as well as pineapple and watermelon!  I cannot get enough.  Not only do I eat a lot of fruit but I also eat a ton of yogurt and granola!  If I wake up in the middle of the night hungry - yogurt is my go-to in the fridge!  Another absolute favorite is CHEESE - I love cheese & crackers, GRILLED cheese, cheese in my eggs, string cheese, and the list goes on!  I have also eat peanut butter by the jar - on my bananas, apples, bagels, etc.  I'd say the last thing I've craved the most is MASHED POTATOES!  Oh my word - I love em!

Things I do NOT crave:  Before I was pregnant, I typically drank a cup of coffee every morning and had oatmeal for breakfast.  Up until week 20, I wanted neither, especially the coffee.  The smell of coffee did not make me sick - I just had absolutely no desire to drink it and oatmeal seemed to make me incredibly nauseas.  Once I hit week 20 - I have started eating homemade oatmeal with fruit cut up in it every morning for breakfast; however, my desire for coffee still isn't really there (I did drink a half a cup a couple of mornings in a row though).  Another interesting fact of my pregnancy has been my lack of craving for sweets.  I have really had no desire for brownies & cookies (my faves) AT ALL and I have just now started wanting some sweets again but definitely not something I HAVE TO HAVE (like my fruit).

Random facts:
  • We felt baby boy kick for the first time (not butterflies or the bubbly gas feeling but an actual THUMP) at 17 weeks and 2 days! 
  • My nausea finally started decreasing around week 19.  I still feel nauseas some but NOTHING like the first 19 weeks of pregnancy hallelujah!
  • Picking a baby name has been FUN.  Rance is extremely opinionated and wants a STRONG, meaningful name so he is naming baby boy!
  • I may be slack in the planning department; however, I have not been slack on praying for little hootie!
  • I had a bump that poked out at the very beginning of pregnancy; however, the real bump really POPPED at week 19!  Hello belly!
  • It's been REAL hard for me to take (and especially remember to take) baby bump pictures weekly!  Something about a picture of myself is just WEIRD.

Baby pump viewing weeks 16 through 20:

Week 16

Week 17

Week 18

Week 19

Week 20

I think that's all for now!  21 weeks and 2 days down and I'm not sure how many to go!

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