Thursday, August 8, 2013

Progress on House Project

I know most of you are just DYING (just kidding!!) to see the progress on the house project in Indiana as well as the final pictures!  It is so fun to look back at the before pictures and see the progress and all the people involved along the way.  God's grace is simply fascinating to say the least.  My journal is filled with story after story on specific ways God lavished His grace during this project from providing all the funds to re-do the house as well as purchase new furniture, to providing just the right people to install the AC and floors, to providing a FREE leather computer chair when the dining room table was purchased (such a neat story)...the list just goes on.

After the Robbinsville team & Ducktown, TN team left Indiana - our laborers may have been fewer, but we/they were mighty warriors!!!

Enjoy a few of the progress pictures...

Shopping for furniture as a TEAM!

New living room furniture!


new stove & microwave

new ceiling fan!

bathroom coming along!

new shower installed

It's interesting the amount of trees/limbs that kept falling during this project!  TEST maybe?  We ended up having a guy come out and cut down this big one! :)

Eric painting & his sweet wife Ellen in the background!


Rance, David & Jeff taking care of the tree!

Ryan getting ready to paint!

Diane :)

Dana working magic on these hardwood floors!


Boo bear painting!

how beautiful are these original hardwood floors?

Check out the BEFORE and AFTER! :)


An INCREDIBLE DEAL on a beautiful dining room table for 6!!! :)

I am going to have to do a side by side comparison at some point just because I LOVE before & after pictures. 

Isn't Father so cool???  He loves His Bride so much!



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