Friday, August 9, 2013

FINAL Project Picture Reveal....

Even though the house project was not FULLY complete our last weekend in Indiana, it was close enough! :)  It's so neat how this project was SO MUCH MORE THAN just a house project - it has had SO many spiritual implications it is fascinating. 

When I see these pictures - it is another beautiful reminder of the gift of God's GRACE.  He pours it out on us constantly - how do we receive it?  Do we recognize it?  Are we looking for it on a daily basis or do we completely miss it? 

Someone challenged Rance and I a year or so ago to look for God's grace daily.  We began telling Father daily "Lord, I don't want to miss your Grace today....".  At the end of the day it was fun sharing all the ways we saw God's grace in the little and the big things.  Now it has become a part of our everyday!  While I may be looking for His sweet grace, one huge thing I have been learning about myself is that I do not receive grace well.  Do I struggle giving it?  Oh no, I'll dump grace all over you.  But receiving it?  Ouch!  I have often times asked myself "Could I have received this act of GRACE by allowing so many people I don't know come in and demolish and re-do my entire house?"  Ouch again.  That would be so hard yet do I really want to miss out on knowing fully that aspect of my Heavenly Daddy?

And for the picture reveal.....

Bathroom!! :) 

Bedroom #1 - this room still has a little ways to go!

Bedroom #2 :)

Bathroom #2

Living room!

How passionate is Jesus over His Bride?  So passionate that He would provide a team of laborers from North Carolina, Tennessee, and Indiana and the funds too - to give a house some TLC for man that is committed to making disciples! 
Paul said that Christ not only loved His bride, the church, but that He "gave Himself up for her" (Eph. 5:25). Paul pointed out that people will ordinarily not even die for someone righteous and good but that "while we were yet sinners Christ died for us" (Rom. 5:7-8). Jesus said in John 10:17, "Therefore My Father loves me, because I lay down My life that I may take it again". He said, "No one takes it from me, but I lay it down of Myself” (v. 18). He was heaven's volunteer martyr. 
"Thanks be to God for His unspeakable gift" (2 Cor. 9:15).
Jesus died for His Bride. There is simply no limit to the kind of love Jesus manifests towards her. 

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