Saturday, August 10, 2013

One person prayed for... person He gave.

His name is James.

Before we left for Indiana, Rance and I spent much time in prayer daily.  We were praying specifically for the leaders in the church, for our team assisting with the church, for much wisdom on our role of evangelism, for the hearts of the people we would meet, for the study through the book of Ephesians, and the list goes on.  Rance specifically asked the Lord for one person to disciple & invest in while we were living in Indiana for the summer.  He really believed the Lord would provide that person and it's so neat to think that all of those prayers prayed were being dumped out on our next door neighbor in the apartment complex but we had NO WAY of knowing that until the night Rance met James. 

It was almost midnight and we had just got home from a team meeting at the church.  Rance HAD to clip his finger nails and proceeded to go outside to do just that.  Why?  If he cut them outside he would not have to worry about where they were flying :)  After being gone about 15 minutes (I mean, how long does it take one to clip their fingernails?), as his wife, I knew 1 of 2 things had happened - 1) he was kidnapped OR 2) he found someone to talk to.  Of course I was wholeheartedly believing the latter option.  After 45 minutes, Rance stepped back inside and he had met James, our next door neighbor.  James & Rance struck up a conversation because James had noticed all the Jesus stickers on Rance's truck and wanted to know if he was the guy that owned that truck.  That conversation led to a much deeper talk and the rest is history!  They began meeting to study the Word just a few days later and James trusted Christ as his Savior and they were pretty much inseparable the next 4 weeks we lived in Indiana.  They ate breakfast together, played racquetball together, worked out together, and talked about Jesus nonstop! 


He's being all serious...
...and now all smiles!!!

James & Dylan & Eric & Rance playing cornhole!

Breakfast time!

Dylan, James & Rance eating homemade biscuits!



Hanging out :)

Dylan cracks me up!

We are so grateful for Father's passionate pursuit of people and how His timing is so perfect - even through cutting finger nails at midnight and Jesus stickers on trucks.

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