Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Wyatt Benjamin Thacker

Wyatt, oh Wyatt, I am so ready to meet you sweet boy! 

We celebrated Jess & Ben's baby boy (coming soon) Friday night a week ago!  What is more fun than a bunch of ladies getting together on a Friday night eating, hanging out and laughing hysterically!?  We had a blast (or at least I did)!

homemade cake by Ashley & Heather (their first cake at that!)

Blessed by this friendship & thankful we get to live this crazy life for Jesus together!

Gina (real name Autumn)!  She blessed my
socks off helping me get ready for the part-tay!

One of the highlights of the evening were the games we played!  The first game was the Baby Price is Right where you guess the price of different baby items.  It was HILARIOUS to see the older moms who have teenagers guessing that diapers only cost $8-$12 when they obviously haven't had to buy diapers in quite a while.  Needless to say, this game was quite entertaining.

BABY PRICE IS RIGHT items to guess the price of!

We split up into 2 teams and each team got a roll of toilet paper and had a couple of minutes to see who could create the best diaper on a teammate! 

This cracks me up!  Jess was the diaper victim

Kaitlyn wore that diaper well!

Now let me twiddle my thumbs while I wait patiently for Wyatt to come out and play!

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