On October 19, 2013, my Roozy said "I do"!
Just to some up our friendship, here is the speech I gave at her wedding reception:
Let’s start back in the 6th grade, where this friendship
That was the getting to know each other phase &
obviously neither of us ran!
The Middle school years were awkward to say the least,
I’m thankful our tacky looks and clothes finally did
Off to High School we went in 1998
Thank God we were not boy crazy, we were always each
other’s date!
Oh the hot days we spent on the tennis courts with Coach
We were determined to give it our very best without fail.
The time we spent together and fun with friends!
We were pretty much inseparable so college together only
made sense.
When we both signed on to be a future Wolfpacker until
the end,
So many warned us NOT live with your best friend.
Thankfully, we did not listen to anyone’s advice
We thought “this would have to work I mean we are both
pretty nice?”
I’ll never forget moving into our dorm freshman year,
When our parents drove off and we were crippled with
Are we really living on this big campus alone?
One thing is for sure, we were there and our parents were
I’m pretty sure I proved my need for my mom or a parent
of some form.
Considering what I put in the microwave in the first week
could have burnt down the whole dorm J
It wasn’t long after that the name “Roozy” came about
The name has stuck like glue without a doubt.
Oh the memories we made during our college years,
From tailgating, to random road trips, to lots of
laughter & tears.
Let’s not forget all the traveling we did too!
From Disney, to the Bahamas, and HELLO, the graduation
I laugh when I think of how many times we moved from
place to place?
I am pretty sure our daddy’s were ready to abandon us but
what dad can resist a daughter’s face J
I’ll never forget all the cereal we ate together at night
sitting on the kitchen countertop
Those were the best before bedtime talks, yep the cream
of the crop!
There definitely came a point where we were more like
family than friends,
I mean, sometimes I wondered if we would be living
together when Jesus come back in the end.
There is one thing for sure when you live together for 9
The thought of living apart brings about all sorts of
Not many people can understand our “Roozy” mood
Brandon please see me, because this is NOT an attitude!
I recall very well all the days you did NOT enjoy talking
about the ‘icky love stuff’
You said you were never getting married but I called your
I’m thankful for you Brandon because you proved her wrong
But more than that …with you…is where she belongs!
I look back and thank God for His sovereignty, His grace
& His love.
We cannot deny this friendship was ordained from above.
We may be grown up now and living 5 hours apart.
But one thing that won’t change is that I love you from
the bottom of my heart!
So here’s to my Roozy and Brandon on your new journey,
May Christ rule & reign in your marriage from now
through eternity.
Now a few pictures from the wedding weekend!
Bridesmaids Luncheon at "Our Picnic Basket" in downtown Kinston, NC |
Rehearsal Dinner in LA decorated by Engaging Events |
Absolutely LOVED this pig cake! |
*Dessert table with all sorts of goodness* |
A table of family memories! |
BabyDG & Blake
thankful I met her freshman year at orientation |
*Roozy Squared*
It's WEDDING day time! |
I would love to know how many diet cokes were consumed that morning ;) |
Seestars - going all the way back to high school! |
Honey jars as wedding favors! |
The Bride ready & looking stunning! |
the bridal party |
Mr. & Mrs. Brandon Cox |