Wednesday, November 26, 2014

*4 YeArS of UBER-Abundance*

As I said on facebook last Thursday, on our anniversary...


FOUR YEARS?!?! How have we already been married FOUR years?! Watching this video and re-living our wedding day is such a sweet reminder of Father's LOVE and GRACE. I can hands down say that I love my husband more today than the day I married him. How is that even possible?!?! It's not because he is the perfect husband (although he is pretty darn great!) but because we both serve and love a PERFECT God, we both desire and strive to glorify Him in all we say and do (even though we fail constantly - GRACE overflows), and we both continue growing in this crazy, abundant relationship we have with Jesus. As our love for Father grows, it only makes sense that our love for one another will grow as well. With that being said, I AM CONFIDENT that the BEST IS YET TO COME as we both continue pursuing the Lord! 

Being newlyweds for life really is possible!!!

A part of me finds it hard to believe we have already been married for FOUR years; however, the other part of me cannot really remember my life before Rance. Regardless, I am one thankful lady for my husband and I do LOVE living life with him every single day. 

So what did we do for our anniversary this year?!  Well, our actual anniversary looked no different than any other day considering I had a committment that evening and we had little time to see one another.  I did however get to meet the boo for lunch at school! 

HOWEVER, on Friday, it was a super-duper SPECIAL day!  Rance took the day off of school and PURSUED the mess out of me! 

Side note:  It has bothered a lot of people that Rance and I have not been on a date since Jayden was born.  Yes, yes I realize that our marriage is priority and it is but I can honestly say that we both have had no desire to leave him and with cross country season being so crazy for Rance - when we were together - we wanted to ALL three be together as a family.  We do appreciate all the people in Robbinsville that have offered to keep Jayden for us to have a date night but other than the 3 days he stays with Mama Long each week - we have not wanted to leave the little guy (and heck, I don't like leaving him those 3 days either)! 

Back to being pursued, Rance arranged for Jayden to stay with Mama Long a few hours on Friday while he took me on a HIKE IN THE GREAT OUTDOORS!  Yep, just the two of us.  I am a quality time kind of gal and I have missed hiking SO much.  The day was absolutely gorgeous with the clearest blue skies and the most beautiful views.  My other sweet surprise was a TRIPOD stand for my camera.  OH MY WORD, this is life changing people.  We take NUMEROUS pictures from day to day and we are constantly trying to balance my camera on something and set on timer to take a picture.  I have never even thought to ask for something like this but we used it for the first time on our hike and HAD AN ABSOLUTE blast taking pictures.  No more trying to balance the camera and taking 400 shots to get a good one :)

We may or may not have taken 100 pictures?!?!?!?!  I'll spare you, don't worry!

After our hike, we ate lunch at The Hub!!!!!!!!!!!!

we LOVE it!

Of course, we celebrated with some Sparkling grape juice!

This is how we roll...
oh how we LOVE this stuff :)

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