Tuesday, September 10, 2013


Wyatt Benjamin Thacker was born at 8:30am on Wednesday, September 4th weighing 8 lbs and 7 ozs!  This little fella did not cooperate on my timing for him but I love his little handsome heart anyways.  Jess was in labor last Wednesday morning as I was having to LEAVE Robbinsville and drive to Raleigh for work for the rest of the week.  How about that timing?!  I trust God's provision and while the waiting period felt like an eternity - I am thankful God knows what is best!

Drum roll please......................

I am proud to welcome WYATT to the world!!!!!!!

Heart is melting...
Coming home from the hospital!

I received this picture as I was working in Raleigh!  Thankful my other half got to love on him for me!

Rance took this picture of the first family outting on Sunday at the WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP at the Nantahala River! Meet Jess' parents!

 FINALLY meeting Wyatt! 
Look at those eyes!!!  I think he loves me! :) 

Children are a gift from the Lord; 
They are a reward from Him. 
Psalm 127:3

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