Thursday, September 19, 2013

Jim, Our Brother in Christ!

Last Saturday, we were excited to welcome Jim Caminata to our home for the night and learn how we can better pray for him as a disciple-maker in Italy as well as share what Father has been teaching us the last few months about the Church and a team!  It's always refreshing getting to see IN PERSON those you are faithfully praying for.  Jim has an energy and obedience to Christ that is fascinating.  Jim is a USA citizen but was called to share the gospel and make disciples in Italy many, many years ago.  We thoroughly enjoyed our time with him and are excited to pray for him as he seeks to build a team in Italy for the glory of God. 

After church on Sunday, we headed to the Nantahala River to enjoy some good food by the river and the amazing weather. 
Of course I have a few pictures so that you can take part in our afternoon with us :)

We enjoyed calling him "JIMMY" too :)

Hamilton & Frank joined us for lunch & the afternoon!

We forced Jim to put his feet in this

Boo bear resting his messed up leg...

Of course, they had to play a game of cornhole!

Frank & Hamilton making me nervous by the FALLS!

Pulling over on the way home to enjoy this view!

Jim thoroughly enjoying the ride in Frank's NEW JEEP!

This picture just cracks me up!  The jeep & lil Frank!

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