Sunday, July 21, 2013


Are you still with me out there?!  If so, I will continue on to share the Father's work here in Indiana. 

We were super blessed to have TWO different teams come to Zionsville, Indiana the last two weeks of June.  One team was from Robbinsville and the other team came from a new church plant in Ducktown, TN. 

Robbinsville :)
Ducktown, TN (plus Ben, David, & Rance)

You may be wondering why two teams traveled to Zionsville?  I can't wait to tell you!  One of the leaders in the church at Cornerstone has been renting a home for over 30 years.  This man is known for his servant's heart and his willingness to give and serve others constantly.  As a leader of the church and a man committed to the Father's plan of making disciples - having a home open and hospitable to others was key.  That's where the need for laborers and willing hearts to invest time into a doing an Extreme Home Makeover in the home of this leader came in.  We are so thankful he was willing to receive this gift of grace.  It is absolutely incredible all the behind the scenes details that the Father worked out in ways that ONLY He can do for this project to even take place.  Yes, we had the laborers but we needed the funds provided and extra special deals on furniture, etc.  The Lord has blown our minds in what seemed to be just a house project yet has impacted our faith deeply. 

Let me share a few BEFORE shots of the home:

I love pookie!

On a side note - when this project came about - Robbinsville was the only team coming to Zionsville, Indiana at the time.  Due to the fact that Pastor Renny (from Ducktown, TN) visited Cornerstone a few weeks earlier to speak at Sunday morning service - he saw the vision and purpose of this house project and immediately committed to bringing a team the week after Robbinsville to continue working on this house.  That my friend is the beauty of the Body of Christ working together in all parts of the world!

Coming next is the work in progress of this house...

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