Thursday, July 25, 2013

TN Mission Team

The same day the Robbinsville mission team departed, the team from Ducktown, Tennessee arrived!  The eagerness and willingness of SO many people wanting to be a part of all God is doing in Indiana has been beautiful.  To see the BODY at work together, all parts being equally important is fascinating.  My definition of The Church has shifted so much over the past few months.  Scripture has re-defined so many things for me and brought them to light as I am able to watch this play out in front of my eyes daily.  I have thanked Father so many times for allowing Rance and I to be on this journey here and for all He is doing daily and for all He is teaching us.  I can promise you that this life with Him and for Him NEVER gets boring! :)

The team from TN consisted of ALL men who were very talented in so many ways.  They were a HUGE blessing in continuing the house project.

I LOVE seeing the pictures of the house progress...

Check out the ORIGINAL hardwood floors that were underneath the carpet we pulled up!!!

Kitchen remodeling!!!

Tree has fallen...

Remodeling the entire bathroom!

Pastor Renny

Ben & Boo Bear :)

The 3 musketeers again!

Team picture!

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