Wednesday, February 5, 2014

*A Strong Warrior*

I almost always (99.9% of the time) have my prayer time and time in the Word first thing in the mornings vs. any other time of day.  That is what I have found works best for me and oh how I cherish this time with the Father! 

A part of my prayer time obviously includes praying for baby boy on the way and it's freeing to release him to the Lord knowing that he does not belong to Rance and I.  The Lord is entrusting him to us as parents (wow, what a responsibility!) but acknowledging everyday that I do not own him and he is not "MINE".  One really fun part of my prayer time is praying for him to be a STRONG WARRIOR for the Lord.  Our desire as parents is for him to first and foremost trust Jesus as His Savior but of course our prayers do not end there for little warrior.  We desire for him to want to follow after Jesus and chase after this abundant life with everything in him.  Not only that, I cannot help but be reminded that his view and understanding of the Lord will be shaped by Rance and I each and everyday.  How do we represent Father?  How do we show love & grace the way Father does?  What will he see in how Rance and I love one another?  Will our lifestyle draw him closer to Jesus?  Oh I pray that we present a beautiful picture of the love of Christ every single day to the very best of our ability as we seek Him.

Just a couple of weeks ago, Rance and I went for our 'big' ultrasound.  This ultrasound is the LONG one where they test for everything and see how baby is developing.  During the ultrasound, we quickly learned that homeboy is breech - but TRANSVERSAL - which means he is laying horizontal in my stomach - not even up and down!  Crazy youngin.  He was in the most awkward position but his little body was moving 100mph.  Imagine that?  I am fully expecting a boy with abundant energy like his daddy!

Yes that's his little spine and position!

I was having a blast telling the girl doing the ultrasound how I pray for this child everyday and proceeded to tell her that I pray for him to be a strong warrior for the Lord.  As I began explaining specifics of what that meant - I was also clarifying that this did not mean that I pray for him to be buff or some stout dude!  About that time, she found little hootie's RIGHT arm and she gasps and says "OMG HE IS FLEXING FOR YOU."  Rance may or may not have busted wide open with excitement!  I don't have a great picture of this but you can see his little defined right arm!

his face & right arm!

Since he was in such a crazy position - they were not able to test for EVERYTHING but what they did see looked great.  In fact, had we not found out what we were having at 16 weeks - it would have been nearly impossible to find out what we were having at this appointment.  Praise the Lord for the 'sneak peak' ultrasound.  We get to have ANOTHER ultrasound in a couple of weeks to hopefully check everything else out - and we considered it a blessing to be able to see him again soon.

And here is your 21 week viewing (which is a week and 4 days ago)...

Oh baby, baby!

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