Thursday, May 5, 2016

*Almost 23 weeks*

Well, I've heard this before and it definitely stands TRUE for me that updating and posting pictures of your second pregnancy just doesn't happen as often as with your first.  It's NOT because this baby is not just as important, but with a very wide open one year old and a plate full, things change!

This pregnancy without a doubt has been physically HARD.  I am far into the second trimester at almost 23 weeks and the sickness has not let up, in fact, it has been worse at times.  I'm not going to pretend that it has been enjoyable in the sense that I am SO NOT in the blissful, energetic 2nd trimester where I just feel lovely!  I don't~!  Not even close!  Everyday, all day, (not just 'morning sickness') it feels as if I have the stomach bug with extreme nauseas that won't subside.  I will say, some days are worse than others.  The heartburn kicked in a few weeks ago which seems to make the nausea intensified.  I am just one big mess let me tell you!

Despite how I physically feel, I am doing SO well spiritually (although there have been a few bumps along the way).  My heart has chosen thankfulness in the midst of a hard season.  I can joyfully give thanks for the sickness and for the most part, continue through each day renewing my mind on what is true.  I am most thankful for the way I have experienced the Lord in an entirely new way these last few months.  There have been days I don't want to get out of bed, I don't feel I can take another step, and I just want to collapse....BUT thriving began when I fully believed the Lord would give me what I needed each day to accomplish whatever task was at hand, regardless of how I felt, whether that be taking care of Jayden well (that's a given), preparing meals for our discipleship groups, late night Skype studies that I lead, and the list goes on.  Relying upon Him each day and KNOWING and trusting that He will empower me with exactly what I need for that day is a gift in and of itself.  I am forever thankful for this season! 

When it comes to the nausea, I have literally tried everything out there from ginger, to herbal teas, to prescription medicine (that last 2 days), to pressure point wrist bands, to preggie pops (this taste like yummy candies), to essential oils, to blackberry juice, the list goes ON AND ON!  There is no cure for me :)

Regardless of how sick I have been, I think my body as the opposite reaction than most to nausea.  For me, I eat constantly.  If I get too hungry, the nausea intensifies and it feels almost unbearable at times so eating continually is key.  In the first trimester, I had some serious food aversions.  There were times the look or smell of MEAT (like pork chops) made me want to run as far as I could and vegetables as well.  I couldn't even stomach to look at it.  At that time, I really just wanted bread and potatoes (CARBS please) and crackers and pretty dry/bland foods.  I could not stand the thought of drinking coffee (so sad) and stomaching water (even now) can be hard at times.  I am not a big soft drink person but IF my bladder would allow (I can't b/c of UTI's), I would probably drink coke, sprite and grape juice all day long.  The last few weeks, I have drank some coffee again and thankfully I am able to eat a variety of foods from fruits to veggies to meats to whatever.  Everywhere I go I have my food bag with me! 

My belly did pop out pretty quickly with this pregnancy just like it did with Jayden ~ although it looks completely different sizes depending on the time of day.  I think you will notice in the pictures below how it isn't consistent in it's growth from the pictures taken!  I have gained weight quickly just like the first time around too.

As you all hopefully read here, we are NOT finding out if we are having a boy or girl.  It's pretty SWEET that once this decision was finalized in my mind, I really don't think about it.  I am often asked 'what do you think you are having?' and I can honestly say I HAVE NO IDEA.  What I realized is, every time I think it could be a boy or it could be a girl, all those observations are based upon a previous experience or some wives tale or something someone told me.  Truth is, only ONE knows what this baby is and I am okay with that!

Here are a few pictures:

*Our first ultrasound about 8 weeks*

Many days have looked like this with Jayden hanging on the bathroom floor while locked in there with me!
*12 weeks*

*14 weeks*

18.5 weeks

Our FULL anatomy scan at 19 weeks
So thankful for a GREAT, healthy report

The girl who did our ultrasound did a PHENOMENAL job not give the slightest clue what we are having!  The entire ultrasound felt like dejavu though because it was soooo much like Jayden's anatomy scan.  The baby was constantly moving, flipping all around, and made it impossible to fully check everything.  Baby had hands all over the face, just like Jayden and even gave a thumbs up just like he did.  The measurements and all just seemed so much alike.

*20 weeks*

21 weeks at Lauren & Josh's rehearsal dinner!

Next day at Lauren & Josh's wedding!

Here is to the next 17 weeks or however long the Lord sees fit until BIRTH-DAY!


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