Monday, April 27, 2015

*10 months*

BOY I'm behind...

...but wait a minute...

I am busy chasing around a little boy who is all over the place so that fills the time these days! 

Often times I think, what in the world did I do before Jayden?!  He keeps me on my toes and keeps me moving that's for sure. 

On April 7th, little man turned 10 months old which means he is ALMOST ONE (I think I just lost my breath).

What is he up to?!?!

Maybe I should say, what is he NOT up to?!

  • He can crawl 100 mph and manuever himself wherever he wants.  He can confidently pull up and stand and twist and walk alongside of something and reach for the next object and walk across a room!  He can stand by himself without holding on to anything (and just this past Sunday he took a couple of steps on his own but I'm supposed to be saving that since he's 10 1/2 months now).

  • HE LOVES ANIMALS.  I mean LOVES!  He smiles so big at dogs, horses, and even the deer mount on the wall.  It has become an everyday thing to talk to the deer and see him.  Not to mention, squirrel hunting continues to be a big hit at our house.  Jayden and I put corn out several times a week for the squirrels to come so we can watch them play.  I can shout from across the room "come Jayden look at the squirrels" and he will take off across the room heading straight towards the window.



  • He continues to LOVE bath time but boy it is almost impossible to bathe him by myself.  The entire time I'm trying to wash him he's trying to climb up the side of the tub, crawl across it, slide everywhere and I'm trying to manage him in such a way that he doesn't bust his head open.


  • He loves being outside, digging in the dirt, eating the dirt, playing with sticks, crumbing up leaves and the list goes on.  He is ALWAYS dirty.  I actually do not even try to keep him clean - I just let him go at it.  Afterall, God made dirt and dirt won't hurt :)

  • He still eats like a boss.  Feeding time has become somewhat of a challenge because he wants to solely feed himself.  I have been trying to be super creative in coming up with finger foods that he can eat and pick up himself so that's been crazy.  He is still eating baby food some too but he prefers for me to give him the spoon which means a COMPLETE MESS!  He loves multi-grain cheerios, the cheeto puffs, real bananas, whole grain blueberry waffles, water in his sippy cup, and his favorite baby food is definitely the oatmeal mixed with fruit but he also loves his carrots and sweet potatoes too.  Basically, he is not picky.  However, sometimes when he isn't so sure about the food or the texture, he will drop it on the floor!


  • We are also on our last 2 months of breastfeeding.  I am so thankful for God's provision over this whole process.  He is basically eating (drinking milk) a total of 5 times a day now and eating two meals a day plus random snacks.
  • We are continuing to thump that little hand and teach him what 'no no' means.  It really is amazing how smart he is AND how well he will test us too.  It is nice to be able to be on the other side of the room from him now and know that if he is about to do something crazy I can say 'Jayden, no no' and he will stop and turn and look at me that instant. 
  • He loves to copy whatever I'm doing and it gets me so tickled. He is so smart and I can already see he is watching every move I make.
  • He is pulling up and standing up in his crib often now which is hilarious!  I will think he is napping and I walk in his room and he's smiling so big like 'hey mom, I'm a big boy in case you didn't know, wanna play?'
  • He continues to show his serious face/serious side when he comes into contact with people he doesn't know.  IT IS SO FUNNY.  Basically what he is doing is checking you out before he shows you his big ole one-tooth smile!  Yes, we have a TOOTH and it's killer sharp! :)

  • HE loves going through all my kitchen cabinets.  He loves to pull everything out and then leave it on the floor and go on to the next cabinet and do the same. 

  • He LOVES a broom and to 'sweep sweep' like a boss or basically use anything rod-like! 

  • His nap schedule continues to be the same.  I am so thankful for his consistency with nap time!
  • His night time sleep has been amazing after we got past that 9 month growth spurt praise the Lord!!!!!!!!  He still has nights he wakes up and we have to let him cry it out. 
  • He is a fun, happy go with the flow kid unless he is sleepy or hungry and he will let you know :)  Every night around 8 or 8:15, he gets all clingy and wah wah which means 'mama please put me down' and it's just that easy every night.  Thank you Jesus!
  • He continues to face plant a big ole wet, mouth open wide kiss on the side of my face which makes my heart melt.  Now when I say 'give mama some sugar' - he'll open that mouth and dive to my face :) 
  • He LOVES a ball

  • At this point, it really is quite fascinating how he may not be able to say a bunch of words but he KNOWS what you are saying!  We talk ALL the time. 
  • His 3rd word was 'deer' by the way :)
  • He's a big fan of stroller rides & walks

  • He loves to hold his hand up and point! 

Here are the monthly chair shots which happened to be on Easter Sunday!





Thankful for each day, each moment, each memory!

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