Friday, February 6, 2015

*CHRISTmas Part III*

Yes, I am still posting about CHRISTmas!  Really this post is just going to be a picture dump of our time in NAHUNTA with my family.  I am SO grateful for the week we usually spend out east with my family during the CHRISTmas season but this year definitely looked different with sickness all around. 

A few days before CHRISTmas, Jayden was actually very short of breath.  We were not really sure what was going on but ended up determining that it was stridor and that he had the CROUP.  It did not stop him from being super happy and content but we did learn during this time that we will never give a baby prednisone by mouth again!  Jayden has taken medicine well since day 1!  He actually loves pretty much anything you put in his mouth; however, he choked (literally) and threw up everywhere with prednisone the moment it hit his mouth.  THAT IS HOW BAD IT IS (per Rance - he tries everything Jayden takes).  We ended up at his peditrician with a LOVELY shot and we were good to go to head east. 

Only a couple of days being with my family and my mom actually got sick.  How do you encourage a grandma to choose JOY when she couldn't really be around her grandson pretty much the entire trip?  HARD!  She did well and had a thankful heart in the midst of a not so fun trial though.

So here is a DUMP of pictures from CHRISTmas!

Our annual CHRISTmas eve pictures with the cousins!

We did decide to do pictures a little differently this year and head OUTSIDE on the front porch!
Jayden loved him some bows and wrapping paper!

My mom and her two brothers!

CHRISTmas morning bright and early - little man is ready to celebrate Jesus (or at least I pray that is his smile one day when he understands).

He did LOVE his Uncle Travis...

Family pic at 6am!!!!!!!!

I call him Curious George because he is SO CURIOUS!

Rance loves to try on EVERYTHING as he opens it...........

Jayden's NEW clothes...

Brothers with their new hunting/hiking gear...

Jayden & Pa :)

A picture book of Jayden for Grandma & Pa!

Yes, that's spit up on my arm - that's the mom look right there! :)

Happy BOY at Granny's!

Quick family photo shoot on CHRISTmas afternoon!

One of my favorite pictures of all time - Jayden & Pa and them blue eyes!!!!!!!!!

The "snapping of fingers" trying to get Curious George to look up at the camera!

There he is :)

"Da da I need your hat!"

 Three musketeer time = THE BEST

A lovely Starbucks DATE

Meeting a new baby cousin

Oh just a LOVELY visit from Laura & Neil (so much fun!)

And the drive back west!

Such a LOVELY time :)

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