Rance and I headed east a couple of weekends ago and it was a sweet time with my family! Rance had not been to Nahunta since Christmas and I had only been once for a quick weekend trip so it was super fun that we go to spend a few days 'extra' there since Rance was on spring break at the time.
Father blessed me with some fun things and divine appointments while we were there for example:
- I ran into Holly, Mark & Scott while my mom and I were shopping at Sam's. This was a total divine appointment because my mom and I went to Sam's looking to buy LOTS of strawberries yet we left there empty handed. I am convinced the only reason we drove to Goldsboro to go to Sam's was simply to run into The Gentry family :) They have become super special people in my life over the last couple of years and Father recently blessed them through adopting that sweet baby boy in the picture below.
- I also was able to see my cousin Abigail and Oliva off to their prom. It was super fun and I usually miss random things like this so God was totally winking at me allowing me to see Abigail head off to her SENIOR prom and Olivia go to her first. These two sweet girls love Jesus so much and I could not be more excited about how they are constantly growing in their walk with Him. Plus, can I give a shout out to their MODESTY?? Thank you Jesus!
Abigail, Uncle Craig, Olivia |
Abigail, me and her best friend Meredith |
The reason we were heading east to begin with was because my family was throwing an engagement party for my Roozy (aka Dee). Dee and I met in 6th grade and were inseparable after that. We both headed to NC State after high school where we lived together for the next 9 years. Yep, I said 9 years. Freshman year in the dorm room is where the name Roozy came about :) Anyways, I thoroughly enjoyed the time with my family while we made this party come to life! It was a blast and Father gave us beautiful weather the entire day.
*The Horse Barn* |
Brooke, Mandy and I working together on Saturday |
Engaging Events (aka Aunt Wendy) decorating! |
LOTS of desserts from all sorts of strawberry desserts to dirt cake to apple jacks to brownies! |
The Bride shall sit here... |
...and the GROOM here :) |
Fun place mats & utensil holders |
A PHOTO BOOTH which was a BLAST! |
We asked all the guests to have their picture taken and sign the photo book by their photo that printed! |
getting everything ready for the PAR-TAY |
Lots of grills/pots going! |
glass bottled cokes YUM! |
*Drink station* |
Mi Amigas :) I asked Lauren & Brooke (my cousins) to be the photo booth photographers! |
Sweet REUNION with BabyD! Our friendship started freshman year at NCSU orientation! |
THE BRIDE (in the middle) with her sister and best friend! |
She's one of the funnest people to take pictures with... |
...maybe because she likes to be a goober like me! |
Travis, me, Rance, Roozy and Brandon (her fiance) |
Mandy & Brandon - I love these two!!! |
Photo booth FUN! |
*We ARE Family* |
Brother & Sister |
BabyD & I - so thankful for how God orchestrated our friendship |
My sweet daddy with Dana & Blake |
My MAMA & DADDY! :) How cute are they?!
I am so blessed to call them my parents. |
Aunt Wendy & Uncle Greg
The decorator and pig cooker!!! These two are talented! |
...with Benjamin & Rachel
We go allllllllllllll the way back to HIGH school! |
I love my crazy family! |
Baby Cade! Cute as ever! |
Benjamin did NOT want anymore pics taken :) |
Roozy with her mom, dad and sister! |
Yes, there was CORNHOLE fun! |
My Brother bonding with Benjamin! |
*Sweet Friendships* |
The Three Musketeers |
A few more photo booth shots... |
BEST for LAST! The Bride & Groom :) |
One last group shot before the party ended... |
Thankful for his serving heart and how much fun he has while at it! |
Best photo booth photographers of all time :) |
Peace out people! |
Thank you Jesus for a refreshing time with family & friends!
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