Saturday, February 16, 2013

A VERY Special Valentine's Date - Party of 6!

My teenage girls discipleship group meets every Thursday night at the house!  We eat, laugh, catch up on our weeks, eat some more, drink some coffee, and then study God's Word.  These girls are precious to me.  God has entrusted them to me at this time in my life and I vow to pour every ounce of my being in teaching them, equipping them, and showing them how and what it looks like to live this life for the Lord Jesus - what it means to be his disciple - how to love God, love others, serve others, and make disciples. 

I cannot begin to tell you how excited I was when I realized that Valentine's Day was on a Thursday this year.  Why?  It meant I could take them on a special date and talk about a LOVE like no other LOVE.  It is my hearts desire for them to find their identity in Christ, to find their value in Him, to look to Him to fulfill that deep longing in their hearts, to see themselves as Father sees them, and to be completely content in Him and not dependent on a guy or anyone else to make them fill whole or "happy".  All 5 girls are single except one of them.  You remember being a teenager?  Some teenagers can be so devastated when this day rolls around and they are single, without love, and they absolutely hate dislike the day.  You see, that is just unnecessary.  Jesus is the most incredible LOVE of all time.  In that alone, we can REJOICE and be convinced we have the best lover of all times in HIM! 

I made reservations at Lynn's Place in town for 6 and the evening was so incredibly fun.  I am quite sure we may have disturbed some of the romantic dates that were happening in that place with our outbursts of laughter and silly jokes. 

Party of 6 Reservations at 6:15!

Our table!

My Loves - Autumn, Jaycee, Lindy, Anna & Kaitlyn

I heart them to pieces!

Dessert - a girl's best friend!


Enjoying every mouth full!

NEVER a dull moment with these two!!! :)

journals & love notes :)


...and MORE craziness!!!
Check out Kaitlyn's EYES!

See, they are very special :)

Please look at the girl in the background on the right :)

The Lord lavished His grace on me by allowing me to be able to spend Valentine's Day with 5 of His precious daughters! I pray so much for them and I pray their view of LOVE, a boyfriend, a husband, and marriage will be based upon God's Word and not what the world is trying to convince them of.

I did get to see my sweet husband for a minute!

Thank you Father for Your Love & for Your Son Jesus!

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