These are a few of the words that come to mind when I think about the time I got to spend with Leah & Leanna on their first visit ever to North Carolina. Culture shock maybe? I must say they adjusted quite well. The only MAJOR shock factor for them was the COLD temperatures. They are use to very hot weather and to go from 80's & 90's to 40's is quite a change. My friend Laura and I had fun providing them a new wardrobe while they were here!
They flew into Raleigh, NC on New Year's Eve. There first full day was spent in Nahunta with my family! What a treat it was! We introduced them to farm life, driving tractors, the process of slaughtering pigs at Nahunta Pork Center, making feed at the mill, crow hunting (yes, they went!), country cookin', riding the rhino, and more people that talk southern besides myself! It was one special day...
Mandy, me, Leah, Laura, and Leanna
Hanging out at the mill! |
*Funny Faces* |
Leah takin the wheel on the tractor! |
We all fit perfectly on the rhino! |
Ready for a stroll around the farm! |
*Welcome to Nahunta Pork Center*
Brandon & Mandy started dating after their first trip to Trinidad TOGETHER in 2010 (they had both been to Trinidad separately one time each). Now they are married! |
On our PIG slaughtering tour! |
Pig Pop (aka my Uncle Mack) owner & founder of Nahunta Pork Center! We thoroughly enjoyed the tour he gave us! |
Soon to be dead pigs :) |
There is a first time for everything! This included a lot of FIRSTS for Laura too! Speaking of Laura, if it wasn't for her asking and challenging me over Trinidad back in 2006 - all of this may not have been a part of my life. Our friendship began at Hope Community Church years ago and has only grown since because our relationship with the Lord has radically grown and is constantly changing. I am forever grateful for a best friend that challenges my walk with Father and always gives me biblical advice. She is the real deal. |
Group shot on some feed bags! |
Leah & Leanna got to watch Rance and I meet in their country (TRINIDAD), get engaged, and get married! They have been a part of watching God knit the entire process. |
Doesn't she look good in camo?! |
Yep, we went crow hunting! |
Very excited about this crow hunting excursion! |
Invaluable time together. |
Family photo after a FEAST cooked by Mama Gale & homemade biscuits by Rance! God is so fun! |
friendships ordained by God! |
The rest of the week consisted of several more firsts for them! We introduced them to Bojangles, Chick-fil-a, bowling, Starbucks, Hope Community Church, outlet shopping, and the list goes on!
We also had an incredibly fun Trinidad reunion where several members of our past mission teams got together to hang out and bond!!! This was just as much a reunion for me as it was for Leah & Leanna. The evening was so fun and we all picked back up right where we left off.
My wifey & I.
Rachel and I met on her 1st, my 2nd mission trip to Trinidad. We have been BFF ever since. Side note: We are SO different yet our love for Jesus triumphs all differences! |
Photos from Rachel :)
I miss her so much! |
Mandy & I were introduced on her 1st, my 3rd trip to Trinidad and guess what? Best Friends ever since. I'll always cherish how we initially bonded ;) She also just married into the family! |
Team picture! |
Craziness! |
Special bond among this group! |
KISSES for Leanna!!! |
Absolutely one fun evening together! |
My old bible study group! I'll never forget those times together! |
My sisters. So thankful we share the same FATHER. |
Sweet Laur & Leanna shoppin' it up! |
We don't get much time together so we LOVED the extra special time while Leah & Leanna were in NC. |
FIRST trip ever to Bojangles. They still loved Chick-fil-a the best though! |
Cuteness! |
Thank you Jesus for Your provision! |
Leah - her heart for the Lord is radiating! |
Supporting Laura during KidCity live which is an incredible ministry one Friday night a month to encourage families to get out & bond together! |
Best of friends. |
I miss my old church. |
We also studied the book of Colossians while they were here. I ask that you pray with me for both Leah & Leanna and for them to not just have the desire but to actually BE the change agents within their country for the Lord Jesus. I have watched these girls change radically over the last 7 years! It has been beautiful to watch and I want to see them FLOURISH.
I love reflecting back (just like Psalm 77 when David was remembering the deeds of the Lord) and remembering all that the Lord has done through being a part of missional work and the body of Christ in Trinidad. To think that we are all united as ONE body and no borders can change that. Is that not fascinating? Mind-blowing? I thank Father for the relationships/friendships that I have been so blessed with. I thank Father for allowing me to meet my husband in Trinidad - a man that far surpassed every prayer I had ever prayed for my husband. I thank Father for my Trini family and the bond we share simply through our connection of JESUS CHRIST.
I thank Father also that I am headed back to TRINIDAD in April with 5 other amazing sisters! :)
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