Friday, January 18, 2013

A lil' under the weather!


This junk or whatever you would like to call it has been going around Robbinsville since before Christmas!  In some cases it is the flu and in other's it's a really bad cold/cough/yucky stuff that lasts up to 5 weeks.  Yep, my friend Lisa and our aunt has had this junk for 5 weeks - seems to be the magic number.  I am honestly not sure what I have at the moment but I got quite the laugh when I looked beside my bed this morning at the conglomeration of things!

What do we have here? Mucinex, toilet paper, throat spray, cough/throat drops, water, & nyquil!
 I have no idea why but being sick always makes me think of SIN.  Sickness infects the body.  You feel weak.  You feel blah.  You feel just plain SICK.  When I think of SIN - it infects the body too.  It's yuck, it's nasty, it's sick.  When you are sick - don't you typically want RID of the sickness?  I feel the same way about SIN.  I hate it, because God hates it.  I want rid of it.  I don't want any part of it.  I pray to recognize it, confess it, receive Father's forgiveness and deal with it.  I am rejoicing in this sick junk that I have because certainly it has a purpose and I can rejoice because I don't have to be controlled by sickness just like I do NOT have to be controlled by SIN!  Why?  One word.  JESUS.

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