Last weekend was an incredible weekend of NO traveling and being at home! We were so thankful to be home to enjoy probably one of the last, if not the last peak weekend of fall in the mountains.
The weekend started with a date night with my husband!
we LOVE Stecoah Diner - less than a mile from our house! |
ESTATIC to have a Friday night at home together! |
Can you feel the excitement?!?! It had been a while since we jumped in a picture! it brought back a LOT of laughs! |
Saturday was absolutely gorgeous and we had our very own Harvest Festival in Stecoah which was literally walking distance from our house. I had no idea what to expect but let me be the one to tell you - it was like a mini fair right next to home. Lots of home-made crafts, singing, dancing, clogging, candy apples, funnel cakes, corn on the cob, apple cider, food, food & more food!
The festival started with an 8am 5k that Rance and a few of his cross country runners ran in which was sponsored by the Stecoah Harvest Festival.
Lil Frank won the 5k! |
Coach in 2nd! |
Shawnda is a beast! |
Dad Frank blew me away at his race time! |
Harvest Festival here we come! |
Sweet Rachel selling her hand-made scarves and other fun items. She is so talented! |
Corn Mill in the making!!! |
Molasses in the making! Where are grandma's biscuits?! |
Molasses made straight out of Stecoah, NC ;) |
Yes we purchased corn mill & molasses! |
Enjoying the best candy apple I have ever eat! |
Saturday evening we had a couple of FAVORITE visitors drive in! My mom and Rita! :) We talked for hours on Saturday night and Sunday after church we enjoyed some nice time OUTSIDE adoring Daddy & His creation! We visited Fontana Dam and just soaked in a special afternoon of bonding!
FaMiLy |
*Best Friends* |
Majestic |
No words can describe! |
My mommy & I (with sunglasses)! |
My mommy & I (without sunglasses)! HA! |
Me and Boo Bear! |
Frank, Charlena & the kids were there taking family pictures so I snapped one of Frank, Cody & Rachel! |
Best for last :)
We missed doing this! That's 2 jumping pics in 1 weekend! |
Sunday evening Rance was ordained as a deacon at our church along with another awesome man of God named Shaun. It was a super special time and I am so thankful to serve alongside and be the help meet to Rance Haven Shuler :)
Rance & Shaun |
Deacons at First Baptist |
Rance & his daddy! |
Thankful! |
Rance & Aunt Shirley |
Rance, Mammaw & I! |
What a blessing of a weekend spent at home!
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