Let me catch my breath...
What a DELIGHT he is to my heart. Isn't that how our Heavenly Father feels about us?!?!
It's hard to even begin to summarize his little life since our last 21 month post but I'll give it a shot...
- He can talk just like Rance and I which makes communication SO fun. He tells us what is on his mind in clear words and sentences or what he is thinking or even reminds us where we put things when we cannot find them. There have been countless times that Rance and I just stare at one another in disbelief because we cannot believe something he just said or some concept he put together and really understands.
- Speaking of putting things together, he connects things and makes sense of them in amazing ways!
- He doesn't miss a thing!
- He loves FOOD yikes and to eat his food outside as well :) He loves fruit - ALL kinds! He has gone through phases with vegetables but thankfully he is back to eating green beans and corn and is a big fan of avocado! He will choose his MEAT on his plate over anything else so that's definitely his favorite.
- We continue to have a night routine as much as our schedule allows by transitioning around 8 with a bath, pajamas, milk and snack (which is dry cereal), praise music on, and snuggling on the couch with about 5 blankies. This is one of my favorite parts of the day because he actually cuddles and jumps all over me. We brush his teeth and walk outside to say goodnight to the moon and stars and God and anything and everything else he chooses to name and then head to his room which he likes it DARK and will tell you in a minute to 'turn off that light mama' if a hallway light or anything is shining in his room. We sing a song, pray, high five, hug, pat pat and call it a day!
- He sleeps fantastic. We put him in his crib (we haven't transitioned to bed yet...or we had not when I started writing this 2 year old post) around 8:30 every night and he wakes up anywhere from 6:15 to 7:15 the next morning (it really just depends).
- He loves WATER - whether the POOL, the lake, the creek, you name it! He has no fear of jumping off diving boards, sliding down water slides, jumping off edges, and the list goes on. It seems the more he goes under, the more excited he is.
- He loves to help do whatever we are doing...
- He loves to DRIVE things from his tractor to his tricycle, to his little go-cart that only goes backwards (haha) and he can steer his tractor like an adult!
- He would live outside hands down. He enjoys digging in dirt, watering flowers, playing in his sandbox, running down our massive hills, looking for worms/bugs, and exploring all together. And you'll notice too, HE LOVES TO WEAR A HAT!
- He loves to ride the Rhino to see the cows, go to the playground, see the chickens, and the list goes on! We are so blessed to live within a very close proximity to LOTS of animals.
- He does NOT like to be forced to hug or kiss. This has been a tough one for Rance and I when it comes to other people that just want to kiss all over those cheeks (I can't blame them). What we want though is for Jayden to be free to show his love and not be forced to 'kiss' or 'hug' or whatever. As we have watched and observed him, it is so fun to see how when he feels FREE to choose, he will run and hug and kiss you all day long!
- Training him the last couple of months has been the hardest yet as he wants his own way and I have to consistently teach him to listen and obey. We have had lots of meltdowns in the midst...
- He has been learning bible verses for a few months and it is amazing how easily he can memorize something but also how fun it is to see his brain process things. Our conversation the other night as he saw a cross picture on the wall (in June)...
- "Jesus died on the cross" (Jayden)
- "Yes he did then what happened?" (Rance)
- "He was buried in a tomb" (J)
- "That's right then what happened 3 days later???" (R)
- "He is alive, he is all better, he don't need a bandaid anymore!" (J)
- "very true buddy he is all better!" (R)
- "he needs a chocolate chip waffle!" (J) - because hello who doesn't need one of those when you are all better!
- I would love to list all my favorite things he says but that would take a while. He is SO expressive...
- Have I mentioned he is 100mph? He keeps this pregnant mama on her toes!
- He adores older kids and it's a JOY to see how they care and love him so well.
- We are continually LEARNING to share with others even when it is our 'favorite' toy.
- He is VERY adamant that 'orange is my favorite color!'
As much as I would like to elaborate on EVERYTHING - this post will never actually be 'posted' if I continuing saving and updating later. So that's a wrap...
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