On December 25, 2015, the Lord graciously surprised us with a positive pregnancy test ~ a big gift of new LIFE in the womb. We were and are very excited to say the least. Since then, we have had an ultrasound which confirmed that baby is in my uterus this time around (PRAISE THE LORD!!) and all is well as we enter week 13! I am thankful we can trust the Lord day by day with this child and give thanks for each day of life. Lord willing, we will get to meet him or her around September 2nd of this year!
Moving right along ~ In an effort to be AUTHENTIC, I want to share my latest and greatest battles and victories over these last several weeks.
It was NO coincidence that the Lord gave me the word THRIVE for 2016 (in reference to our last update). Father knows my tendencies, He knows the areas I need to grow and perfect, and He desires to see me be an overcomer, a victor, and THRIVE in the midst of tough stuff. I must say that these last 8 weeks have been physically rough. Really rough. I was very sick (nauseas) when I was pregnant with Jayden up until 19 weeks and this pregnancy has been no different as far as the sickness goes except much worse. In all honesty, I have NOT prayed for the Lord to take it away because my deepest desire is to become more like Him and have victory over every test and trial. I wanted to thrive and at the time, I knew I was not!
For days, I prayed and pondered and asked the Lord what on earth thriving looks like in the midst of extreme nausea all day everyday. How do I even know if I am thriving? My perfectionist nature told me it was skipping and hopping around as if nothing were wrong. "Come on Jennifer, get it together, put on a happy face!" I knew that was not true even though I have hid this from most people that I have been around the last several weeks (hehe). I have done really well with continuing to parent and train Jayden and coming up with creative ways to love him well in the midst of it all. So then what was it?
Who was receiving the brunt of my physical state? No one but my husband! While YES it is okay for him to know how I really feel, it was NOT okay that I had become short with him, often times just silent, and other times knit-picking at things that did not matter at all. I had become somewhat needy of him really wanting him to be MY help meet instead of the other way around (you know, the way the Lord designed it to be). I was VERY aware in the moment of my sin (YUCK) and I would apologize over and over reminding him it was ME that was the problem, but I couldn't get it together! What was my problem? IF ever I have received GRACE in this life (OUTSIDE OF JESUS, the ultimate GRACE GIVER), it is from my husband who desires to reflect His Father's love to me by extending grace over and over again.
"As grace flows down and covers me..."
I may have been doing well in my thoughts, having a thankful heart (hello, I'll take whatever kind of sickness for this child), parenting Jayden, ministering and being with others, but I was failing when it came to Rance. The Lord made it so clear one morning during my prayer time that Rance is my key indicator on passing the test and THRIVING during this period of time. AH-HA! When the Lord revealed this to me, there was a GREAT shift in my mind, my actions, and my focus. My desire is to serve my husband well whether I'm sick or not, to be HIS help meet, to look for ways to make his day more maximally effective. Rance had become my crutch when the Holy Spirit is the only One able to empower me with exactly what I need for each day to do what He has called me to do. It's interesting how I had become selfish and needy in my mind towards him completely being ruled by feelings instead of what I knew to be TRUE. Over the last few weeks, instead of sharing with Rance what the Lord had revealed, I decided to let my actions and love in serving him show that something had shifted.
I am excited to say that although the intensity of the nausea has actually increased, I AM THRIVING and you are free to ask Rance about this! Praise the Lord for VICTORY!
There you have the latest story of all my imperfections, sin, and VICTORY!
I love you all,
Just a peak into our week, through pictures, although the every day looks different!
*The guys are continuing to work hard on the office building - framing is complete, insulation is done, ceiling is installed*
*Can you tell he enjoys this aspect of ministry as well?*
*Meet the leaders at their first planning meeting for the Campers for Christ 2016 annual camping trip for middle school and high school boys*
*Going through the models with Jasmine*
*Of course this little man is a part of our every day! He is learning and growing and talking in full sentences these days*
*Of course this little man is a part of our every day! He is learning and growing and talking in full sentences these days!*
Prayer Requests:
- Growth and health of baby in the womb!
- Jennifer's growth in THRIVING during intense sickness and an abundance of energy to keep up with wild man Jayden.
- Rance's preparation time for Campers for Christ, Sunday School, discipleship groups, WISE guys, FCA, etc.
- Wisdom in pursuing other opportunities and God's will and timing in that.
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