Friday, November 8, 2013

It's beginning to feel like FALL...

NOT!  I started this blog post over a month ago and as I look outside watching the leaves hit the ground I am reminded that fall is about to be over in the mountains and the last month has flown by!  I am saying goodbye to the beautiful mountains splashed with a variety of oranges, reds, and yellows, and getting geared up for winter because it is a comin'!

Let's catch up on the last month shall we?!

October began with a visit from my family.  L.O.V.E.D. this time.  My Aunt Wendy (crazy cool aunt), Uncle Greg (dad's brother), cousin Autumn, her boyfriend Kristian, and my mom ventured to see us for the weekend.  This was our first time getting a visit from them (except for mom of course) and we did not skip a beat covering some territory in one weekend.

Friday evening we feasted on a BIG dinner and just caught up on life.  We began Saturday morning waking early to go see the sunrise at Stecoah Gap!  The fog was insane so the sunrise wasn't as fascinating as normal.


Autumn and Kristian had never been white water rafting so that was a MUST on the to-do list for Saturday!  We headed to the Nantahala River around 9:30am and got ready for a morning on the river.  What was even more fun was our guide - yep, none other than my husband himself!  You can only imagine the craziness of this trip down the river and him leading us through some crazy rapids and videoing all throughout the trip (even lost his phone in the end).  We laughed until we hurt and we only lost one passenger during the trip - AUNT WENDY :)

After we conquered the river that morning!

little fall scene :)

We were STARVING so we ate at the River's End restaurant on the river and devoured some food!  Afterwards, we headed to the house to change and then back out the door to head to the SKYWAY.  This is one of the most beautiful drives that people come from all over to ride to (especially on motorcycles).  The Skyway has beautiful views and little fun places to stop along the way.  Since it was the BEGINNING of fall at that time - the leaves were changing the higher up in elevation we went. 

LOVED this store on the side of the road with TONS of handcrafted items.  My mom surprised us and bought us this sign for our house.  It is VERY fitting for us!

He makes everything fun!

These two are a blast!

These bears carved out amaze me and if they
weren't so expensive I'd have one at 
our front door :)

Mama Gale & Aunt Wendy!

Rance yelling and listening to his echo!

And of course we took a little hike too!

By the time we got to the top of the Skyway, it was beautiful and right before dark!  The sun was setting and man, WHAT A VIEW my DADDY gave us!

We never get weary Praising the Lord...


As we arrived home, we immediately headed out for a fire outside with some good food and marshmellows!  We were EXHAUSTED!

Sunday (October 6th) was my mom's birthday so it was a LOVELY ending to a wonderful weekend! 
More to come in October...

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