Graduation has now come and gone! Three of the teenage girls in my discipleship group just graduated from high school (*tears*) - Lindy, Autumn, and Jaycee. These girls are all so very unique and I have loved every minute I have got to spend with them the past 1-3 years. The fun part is, they may have graduated but I'm in their life as long as they will have me!
Baccalaureate service was at our church for all the graduates last Wednesday night and then graduation followed on Sunday of Memorial Day weekend!
Lindy sharing scripture at baccalaurette service |
A-long (Amber) is ranked #1 in the junior class so she was the lead marshall at graduation! |
Lindy is heading to UNC Asheville in the fall! |
Charlton is heading to Western Carolina University in the fall! |
Jaycee is heading to UNC Chapel Hill in the fall! (I still love her even though she is always wearing Tarheel blue now) |
Anna was also a junior marshall! |
Meet Novi - whom I love! |
Autumn & Lindy :) |
Before I ever met Autumn, I prayed so much for her. She was in the hospital when Rance and I were dating and he would go and visit her and I'd just pray and pray for her (a girl I had never even met). In fact, the first time I ever met Autumn was at our wedding! I love that Father knew way back that we would become so close bonding over HIM and entrust me with her! |
Last Thursday night was full of love, hugs and tears as we celebrated graduation and our last part of the discipleship study on making disciples! The Lord put 2 Timothy on my heart about 2 weeks ago and I have probably read it 20 times since then. This is Paul's last letter he is writing to Timothy from prison. I love reading Paul's heart for Timothy whom he called a beloved son. Paul wanted to encourage Timothy, give direction and urge him to visit one final time. It is apparent that Paul knew that his work was done and that his life was nearly at an end.
Paul begins with thanksgivings and an announcement to remain faithful and strong. Paul also reiterates the important work of “entrusting the faithful men who will be able to teach others” (2:2). Paul’s desire was to equip the saints with the knowledge of how to teach others. In 2 Timothy 3:14 - Paul encouraged Timothy to continue in the things he had learned and to remember who he had learned them from. Paul had invested so much time inTimothy and he wanted to see him do well.
As I read 2 Timothy over and over, I could not help but think of Lindy, Autumn, and Jaycee as they graduate. I love these girls so very much and I pray for them day and night. I don't invest in them to make myself feel better. I invest in these teenagers for the glory of God - because it was and is the Father's plan - with the hope and prayer that they will continue in the things they have learned and eventually invest in faithful women who will be able to teach others (2 Timothy 2:2).
best friends |
I should just call this Autumn's blanket because she
never comes over without wrapping herself in it. |
graduation gift time |
*2 Timothy 3:14*
"But as for you, continue in what you have learned and have become convinced of, because you know those from whom you learned it"
Lindy, Jaycee & Autumn - as they where this around their neck, I pray they are reminded of the things they have learned as they enter the battlefield of college!
Graduation - A-long leading in the graduates |
proud of this girl! |
We love you Charlton! |
Rance LOVES him some Joey Cable! |
Rebekah gave a very sweet shout out to her 'weird' 7th grade teacher who jumped across desks in her graduation speech to all the teachers! |
it's been a fun journey thus far with Lindy and we are excited about what is ahead for her! |
Love her personality! |
I love you Autumn & Lindy! |
love my boo bear! |
Oh May you have been fun!
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