Thursday, November 1, 2012

Soon to be AUNT & UNCLE!

Rance and I are pumped that VERY soon we will be Aunt Jenni & Uncle Rance to sweet baby girl Kenleigh Anne Thomas!  I LOVE Rance's sister and her husband and cannot wait to meet my little niece. 

Just to share a few pictures they took recently...

Meet Marla, Devin & Dozer!

I love her name!

I've been praying for you so much Kenleigh!!!

Precious Family!

I am so thankful to have a sister, a brother, and a niece on the way!!!

Do you ever really think about how completely miraculous, unbelievable, and fascinating it is for a baby to be knitted, to grow, and to form inside his/her mother's womb?  I cannot fathom nor do I understand nor can I explain something so beautiful except it's God!  It's His character.  It's just who He is.  He cannot be fathomed or comprehended.


Ecclesiastes 11:5

Just as you cannot understand the path of the wind or the mystery of a tiny baby growing in its mother’s womb, so you cannot understand the activity of God, who does all things.

God - I cannot understand how completely magnificent you are nor can I fathom the width and length and debth and height of Your love which surpasses my understanding. But God, I THANK YOU for giving me glimpses every single day of Your majesty, Your love, Your blessings, Your character, Your Grace.  Father, I do not want to miss you in anything every single day for the rest of my life on this earth. 

Oh How He loves Us....

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