JUNE HiGhLiGhTs!!!
Our summer has been so blessed! Rance and I have thoroughly enjoyed our time OUTSIDE, bonding with our new family (landlords!), much time in the Word and seeking God's will over several things, and a lot of traveling! This year is FULL of weddings!!!
A few highlights in June.............
- Tom Sawyer's Bachelor weekend - I don't have pictures from the GUYS weekend but I just know they had a BLAST! They stayed in a cabin (below) in Uwharrie and enjoyed a lot of time outside and days and days of mountain biking! Tom's real name is Jason Tom Sawyer but in college Rance was "Huck Finn" and Jason was "Tom Sawyer"! :)
- Marla & Devin's Wedding in Fort Walton Beach, Florida ~ Rance's sister Marla decided she wanted a small, simple destination wedding in Fort Walton Beach, Florida and she could not have picked a more perfect place to have it! The entire weekend was SO much fun, not to mention she now has the most amazing mother-in-law!!! Rance and I thoroughly enjoyed the road trip, seeing his sister so happy and so beautiful, and getting to know her new family better. It was one of the best weekends and we love our new brother-in-law too!
My sister & I!
A perfect evening out the night before the BIG DAY! |
I love palm trees & Rance Shuler! |
Meet me at the altar in your white dress*
I took this picture from the balcony where Marla was getting ready! |
Another balcony picture! |
The groom is waiting on the beach for his bride!!! |
Here she comes!!! |
Heading down ... barefoot & all!
Side note: Judy (Marla's new MIL) and I did NOT plan our dress colors! :) |
Getting a 5 minute photography session on the way down!
Marla is an amazing photographer and she asked me to use her camera to capture the wedding (YIKES!) |
Rance captured all of these shots :) Such a good brother & husband! |
Last shot with my sister before she walks down the isle!!! |
Gorgeous weather, Gorgeous wedding, Gorgeous couple! |
This picture cracks me up! Let's just say Rance had fun being Mr. Photographer with my camera since I was using Marla's! |
Two become ONE |
Mr. & Mrs. Devin Thomas |
The Groom! |
Can you imagine how much fun I had being Mrs. Photographer & using a BIG ole camera?
I felt like I was livin' a dream! |
No comment! |
Marla's new family!!! |
Dinner with the newlyweds!!!
Black Knight Alumni Football Game! So a few months ago, a Christian alumni association set up an alumni football game between Robbinsville Black Knights and the Swain Maroon Devils! Let's just say this was a well anticipated event and Rance was beside himself excited about living his dream on the football field one more time. I on the other hand, prayed much over my husband because I was NOT excited about oh ya know concussions, broken legs, and all that jazz that comes with football. The Black Knight alumni started practicing together a couple of months in advance and I think the guys felt like they were in high school again having football practice and bonding like old times. ALL ages played and Rance could not contain his excitement and nervousness the day of the game (along with the rest of the players). I mean, I pretty much had to hear football plays every night and listen to loud music the day of to get pumped up. Lord, don't let our son (if we have one) want to play football one day (or wrestle ahem!). Let's just say when that Friday night arrived - you could not have fit another person on the Robbinsville side at this football game. You see, these people live & breathe football around here. I mean, I cannot imagine going back to a HIGH SCHOOL CBA FOOTBALL GAME - but these people - they drive in from college on the weekends JUST TO SEE ROBBINSVILLE PLAY FOOTBALL. It's serious business YUNS. I was a nervous wreck the night of the football game when I saw how HUGE these guys were on Swain. I'm talking literally 3oo or 400 pounds (big ole daddy's) and I thought "LORD SEND YOUR ANGELS AROUND MY HUSBAND AND DONT LET THEM TOUCH HIM." Literally I prayed this the entire game and even hollered a couple of times to "GET OFF MY SHNUKER". What's funny is - they had misspelled Rance's name somehow and he was called "Rance Shnuker" the entire game. It cracks me up because I call him snookie & snooker & names like that all the time!
Rance was SO pumped because he was able to be #86 - same number in high school! |
Get em SHNUKER! |
This was the play where some beast POUNDED MY HUSBAND ... AFTER yellow flags had already been thrown.
Yes, I come out of my seat (and did nothing). |
Felt like high school checking out my boyfriend ;) |
Our after the game picture - he was safe & sound all in ONE piece (just a few million bruises) - Thank you Lord for your angels! |
Another fun part of June was a visit from Lindy!!! She ran cross country for Rance and the Lord bonded us in a special way during last summer's bible study & when we all took a trip to Snowbird to watch the Revelation Skit. After that, Lindy's desire & heart for the Lord began changing and it's been exciting to watch her grow. She is a daughter of the King and I love her tremendously!!! We spent hours studying God's Word, going through a new study called Gospel Centered Life, playing in the pool, bonding with her sisters and simply enjoying Jesus! Thank you Lord for this friendship :)
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