Well y'all (YUNS), cross country season ended and we went into hibernation :) Haha just kidding just kidding! Just to catch you up on the last few weeks here's what has gone down with The Shuler's :)
Tax Banking Team Melissa, me, Shay, Nikki, & Karissa |
November 6th: The state championship cross country meet was in Kernersville, NC
Lil Frank, Rance & Irvin :) |
The "FAST FIVE" and I :) |
A special t-shirt COACH surprised me & the rest of the team with! *Isaiah 40:31 was the team verse for the season* |
Our EASTERN, NC fans :) (My cousin Brooke and my sweet mom) It meant the world that you two came!!! |
I love this picture. |
Lil Frank got 3rd overall in the state 1A championship race AND best freshman in the state 1A-4A! We are so proud of him and all of his hard work & discipline. |
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Tacey's FAN club!!! |
We love to watch her play basketball. |
Hunter, Savannah, Tacey & The Shulers! Yes we bought BULLDOG T-shirts so we could be REAL fans :) |
Oh these two... |
November 7th: We celebrated Rance's Mammaw's 92nd Birthday!
So sad I did not get a picture of her! I was so busy taking pictures with other people's camera I only got the cake HA! |
Tayli & Trenli These 2 are a HOOT! Love them to pieces! |
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Told you they are a HOOT! |
We decorated our CHRISTmas tree earlier than normal this year! I've always been an advocate of waiting until AFTER Thanksgiving to decorate; however, since we were traveling to NAHUNTA for Thanksgiving, we decided to put our tree up before we left so it would be all decorated when we returned.
Note to RANCE: Need to remove the TURKEY still hanging behind the tree :) |
November 18th: We received OUR 1st BABY GIFT!!!
NO WE ARE NOT PREGNANT! Rance is always telling his mom to save her money and not buy us anything and so she found a loophole around that and for our annivesary she bought for our future baby instead HAHAHA!
How cute?!?!?! |
Chris, Marie & JACOB visited with us!!! (Have I mentioned I LOVE Chris having the majority of his client's in TN?). Time with these 3 is so valued and cherished. We laugh, we eat, we laugh some more, we eat some more, we talk for hours, we stay up LATE, and we hold this little munchkin below as much as possible while we have him with us!
Rance is absolutely in LOVE with Jakester! |
...and SO AM I!!!!!! |
What an amazing year! It seems like just yesterday Rance was pursuing me to be his bride and now it's already been ONE year since I became just that. I love that he still pursues me the same way as his wife :) Oh, I am so blessed. This journey called marriage is such a blessing and a gift. With Christ as the foundation, it is truly abundant! I could go on for hours and days about all that I have learned and the way GRACE has a whole new meaning to me now but I may write a book so I'll spare you today! I do love being married and I know the next 100 years (or until we depart from this earth) can be just as abundant with Rance as long as JESUS is our focus and Christ is our foundation.
Our anniversary weekend was SUPER relaxing! We had decided wayyy back in the middle of cross country season to make NO plans for that weekend. Between traveling with cross country and with my job, we BOTH were looking forward to a weekend at home with no plans, no demands, and no interruptions! We did just that. We ventured to Asheville on Saturday for a little shopping in downtown Asheville, went to the movies to see COURAGEOUS, and then out to dinner! On Sunday (our actual annivesary), we stayed home all day! Rance cooked a big breakfast, we spent much time in the Word, we talked about strengths and weaknesses in our marriage and how we can be a better wife and husband, we laughed (as usual), we watched our wedding video, and just reminisced at all the Lord has done in our lives.
I love to watch this and re-live the excitment of that day when we became ONE FLESH in the eyes of God!
Breakfast & time in the WORD! |
We never even got out of our PJ's on our Annivesary! |
November 22nd: EASTERN, NC BOUND
Rance and I headed EAST to spend Thanksgiving in Nahunta. On the way, we stopped for a date with my sweet Rachel! She just returned from an 11 month mission trip (literally around the world) and so it was the first time I have seen her since last December. We picked up right where we left off a year ago. I love our friendship and how the Lord allowed us to meet, bond, and share something that I value you SO much.
Look at this face!!! I LOVE IT. |
Ella LOVES to be outside so we road around the farm :) |
We visted the Pork Center (say HEY to Brandon!) |
Ella in the FEED mill :) |
We had such an incredible week in Nahunta bonding with my family!
Fried turkey-my FAVORITE way to eat it!!! |
THANKSGIVING NIGHT PARADE!!! It's tradition every year for some of my cousins to put on a Thanksgiving parade! :)
Yes they are on loan mowers :) |
They even throw out CANDY!!! |
Barbie jeeps!!! |
Santa is even a part of the parade! |
It's so much fun to see the kids put this whole parade on! |
November 27th: WESTERN, NC BOUND
Rance and I began our journey back to Robbinsville and after only an hour on the road, this is what happened!
Rance got 'er changed and we were back on the road in an hour! I love him! |
As we began pulling up our driveway Sunday night upon our arrival back to Robbinsville, we were greeted with this NEW SIGN posted as you turn up our driveway! Our neighbors were here from Florida while we were away and they definitely made us smile SO BIG when we saw this.
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I love the arrows pointing UP just warning you of the mountain ahead to climb! |
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Hard to see the snow starting to fall in this picture from Rance's phone BUT it's there :) |
And that's all folks! Thanks for hanging with us through our NOVEMBER journey!
We love y'all!
I just love you!!! What a November!! Hopefully December will be low key and relaxing, spending time with family :) I miss you so much and these pictures just make me want to get on a plane RIGHT NOW and come see you!! Happy {late} Anniversary to the most inspiring couple I know. Blake & I love you both SO much!