Wednesday, August 17, 2016

*Baby bump pics & update*

I am 37 weeks 5 days TODAY!  Hallelujah to the Lamb! 

I continue to be sick with the lovely nausea all day everyday and add intensified heartburn to that and the 3rd trimester of no energy and you have a beautiful combo of YUCK!  What is SWEET is that I have been thriving well and able to continue my job at full capacity as a wife, mom, along with my role in ministry as well thanks to the Lord's strength that is INDESCRIBABLE.  While I am looking forward to the arrival of baby girl or baby boy soon, I am thoroughly content and thankful for this season of pregnancy. 

Speaking of content, I have zero expectation of when this little one will arrive.  I am prepared for the worst case scenario which is a week after my due date and if that is what the Lord wills, I am okay with that!  At this point, I can say that this pregnancy feels SO similar to Jayden's it's crazy.  Baby is SUPER SUPER low, head down, and belly is tight as ever.  I had a sudden POP that felt significant a couple of weeks ago in the size of my stomach and I remember the same thing happening when I was pregnant with Jayden in those final weeks.  At my 36.5 week appointment I was 1.5 cm dilated, 75% effaced.

I can say that over the last few weeks it FINALLY hit me in a crazy exciting way that we will soon have that SURPRISE moment of knowing if we are actually having a boy or a girl.  I AM SO EXCITED!  This is definitely a feeling of anticipation that is well worth the wait of not knowing. 

Here is a dump of phone pictures that we have managed to snap over the last several weeks from week 23 to week 37!



23 WEEKS, 2 days on Mother's Day













Prayer Update for July


Zephaniah 3:17
17 The Lord your God is with you,
    the Mighty Warrior who saves.
He will take great delight in you;
    in his love he will no longer rebuke you,
    but will rejoice over you with singing.”

I have seen and heard and read this verse in Scripture many times but the Holy Spirit has used this verse to challenge myself as a mom in big ways over the last few months.  Isn't that fascinating?

Before Jayden was born, the Lord gave me a very specific prayer that I prayed for him for many months while he was in the womb.  The prayer was that Jayden would be strong and courageous, a mighty warrior (one day for the Lord) but that he would also be full of compassion.  After several months of parenting Jayden and watching his personality develop each day, I realized that I was watching that specific prayer come to life in such a way that has been mind blowing.  He is so strong-willed, very determined, a warrior, yet he is so full of compassion towards others if he thinks they are sad or hurt, etc.

While these all can be wonderful qualities, training and disciplining a strong-willed child comes with great challenges.  We have gone through seasons where receiving discipline over and over again was well worth it to Jayden to continue doing what he was already doing.  There have been days where it seems the training is not working and we must be doing something wrong as parents yet we are reminded in those times by God's grace to re-evaluate ourselves, stay consistent and continue asking for God's wisdom daily.  KEEP AT IT!

Then there are other days we experience Jayden listening and obeying so well.  We watch him smile so big as we rejoice and clap and make a big deal of his choice to be obedient!  We see him even hesitate in moments as he is determining which choice to make and his JOY when he knows he is making the right one.   

It all boils down to the fact that, Jayden wants his own way (Isaiah 53:6) and training him to choose otherwise is really hard, especially without the Holy Spirit helping at this point!  The beauty of this journey is how it is constantly sanctifying for Rance and I as parents to see our own tendencies be revealed in these days of training.

As much as I would love to go into great detail about the background of the book of Zephaniah, I will say that the context of this tiny book blew me away.  There is a culmination of God's grief, His wrath, and His unending grace and love being shown throughout but it was chapter 3 that greatly challenged me to continually ask myself:

What causes me to DELIGHT in Jayden?  Do I DELIGHT in him whether he responds well or not?  Do I DELIGHT simply because Father has entrusted Jayden to Rance and I on this earth?  What is the ultimate goal in teaching him to listen and obey?  Does Jayden hear his mama and daddy rejoicing and singing over him?

I never really understood the pleasure we could possibly bring to our Heavenly Father or the delighting He feels towards us until I became a mom (and Rance would agree, when he became a dad).  Every day I am experiencing tiny glimpses of this pleasure and delight as we watch Jayden learn and grow.  Whether Jayden responds well or does not respond well at all, I contemplate Father's patience and love for me each day as a mom as I am still learning how to show off the glory of His grace to Jayden.  Rance and I do not expect perfection from Jayden just as Father does not expect perfection from us.  Ultimately, we desire for Jayden to obey us, not out of duty or guilt, but simply because he does not want to disappoint his mama and daddy.  That is why we SHOUT and applaud and REJOICE when he chooses to respond well.  On the other hand, when Jayden chooses to disobey, our goal is not to reprimand him and scold him but to show grief and disappointment (not by guilt though).  We want him to learn that obedience itself is DELIGHT and that in his obedience to us, he is pleasing God!   This is easier said than done, can I get an amen?!?!  

Unimaginable God - knowing all that he knows about me - still delights in me and showers me with His grace as I take refuge in Him.  We desire to do the same with Jayden all the days we are on this earth.  Can you imagine a more beautiful song than God Himself rejoicing over you in singing?

*View one*
After much prayer and evaluation, we have moved forward in completing one room in our basement to have a separate, QUIET place to continue doing ministry well out of our home!
*View two*

Our time in Nahunta with my family at the beginning of July consisted of lots of farming, tractor riding, and letting loose (in the mud)!

Theres is just something about Pa (my dad) that Jayden adores and I can't blame him, I think he is great too!

*We were thankful for our time in the models with Brooke & Mrs. Dana while in eastern, NC*

While Brooke put her faith and trust in the Gospel (life, death, burial and resurrection of Jesus) at a young age, she was never baptized by emersion.  As she began to pursue the Lord through discipleship over the last few years, she gained a clear understanding on the purpose of baptism and wanted to make this public declaration of her faith.  Rance was honored to baptize her along with Pastor Jared Grantham (at Brooke's church) while we were out east!

 Pictured above are copies of the models which have now been translated into several different languages and are being used to train and equip others across the world.

Finishing touches have been taking place over the last month to work towards finalizing the office building! 

Lindy & Eli joined us for a weekend in July and we are continually encouraged by their pursuit of the LORD.

*Rance thoroughly enjoyed being able to lead the GAMES for Vacation Bible School last week*

The last night of VBS, right before Rance was about to share the Gospel with everyone, Jayden fell and we had to rush him to the ER where he ended up getting 3 staples in his head due to the deep cut.  He hasn't skipped a beat since!

We are so thankful for fresh garden veggies from friends!  Are they not the best?

A lot of fellowship/bonding happens over a meal and this weekly discipleship study group is no exception!

*Thank you for your continued love and support for our family and Eternal Truth Ministries*

Prayer Requests:

  • Baby girl or boy's entrance into this world in the upcoming weeks.
  • Rance's preparation for WISE guys and FCA as school starts soon as well as other speaking opportunities, discipleship groups, Sunday School preparation, etc.
  • Jenni's desire to do well and continue thriving in a new season of life!

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

*Jayden is TWO*

Jayden Talon Shuler is TWO years old.  Wow. 

Let me catch my breath...

What a DELIGHT he is to my heart.  Isn't that how our Heavenly Father feels about us?!?! 

It's hard to even begin to summarize his little life since our last 21 month post but I'll give it a shot...

  • He can talk just like Rance and I which makes communication SO fun.  He tells us what is on his mind in clear words and sentences or what he is thinking or even reminds us where we put things when we cannot find them.  There have been countless times that Rance and I just stare at one another in disbelief because we cannot believe something he just said or some concept he put together and really understands. 
  • Speaking of putting things together, he connects things and makes sense of them in amazing ways!
  • He doesn't miss a thing! 
  • He loves FOOD yikes and to eat his food outside as well :)  He loves fruit - ALL kinds!  He has gone through phases with vegetables but thankfully he is back to eating green beans and corn and is a big fan of avocado!   He will choose his MEAT on his plate over anything else so that's definitely his favorite. 


  • We continue to have a night routine as much as our schedule allows by transitioning around 8 with a bath, pajamas, milk and snack (which is dry cereal), praise music on, and snuggling on the couch with about 5 blankies.  This is one of my favorite parts of the day because he actually cuddles and jumps all over me.  We brush his teeth and walk outside to say goodnight to the moon and stars and God and anything and everything else he chooses to name and then head to his room which he likes it DARK and will tell you in a minute to 'turn off that light mama' if a hallway light or anything is shining in his room.  We sing a song, pray, high five, hug, pat pat and call it a day!
  • He sleeps fantastic.  We put him in his crib (we haven't transitioned to bed yet...or we had not when I started writing this 2 year old post) around 8:30 every night and he wakes up anywhere from 6:15 to 7:15 the next morning (it really just depends). 
  • He loves WATER - whether the POOL, the lake, the creek, you name it!  He has no fear of jumping off diving boards, sliding down water slides, jumping off edges, and the list goes on.  It seems the more he goes under, the more excited he is.

  • He loves to help do whatever we are doing...

  • He loves to DRIVE things from his tractor to his tricycle, to his little go-cart that only goes backwards (haha) and he can steer his tractor like an adult!


  • He would live outside hands down.  He enjoys digging in dirt, watering flowers, playing in his sandbox, running down our massive hills, looking for worms/bugs, and exploring all together.  And you'll notice too, HE LOVES TO WEAR A HAT!

  • He loves to ride the Rhino to see the cows, go to the playground, see the chickens, and the list goes on!  We are so blessed to live within a very close proximity to LOTS of animals.



  • He does NOT like to be forced to hug or kiss.  This has been a tough one for Rance and I when it comes to other people that just want to kiss all over those cheeks (I can't blame them).  What we want though is for Jayden to be free to show his love and not be forced to 'kiss' or 'hug' or whatever.  As we have watched and observed him, it is so fun to see how when he feels FREE to choose, he will run and hug and kiss you all day long! 

  • Training him the last couple of months has been the hardest yet as he wants his own way and I have to consistently teach him to listen and obey.  We have had lots of meltdowns in the midst...

  • He has been learning bible verses for a few months and it is amazing how easily he can memorize something but also how fun it is to see his brain process things.  Our conversation the other night as he saw a cross picture on the wall (in June)...
    • "Jesus died on the cross" (Jayden)
    • "Yes he did then what happened?" (Rance)
    • "He was buried in a tomb" (J)
    • "That's right then what happened 3 days later???" (R)
    • "He is alive, he is all better, he don't need a bandaid anymore!" (J)
    • "very true buddy he is all better!" (R)
    • "he needs a chocolate chip waffle!" (J) - because hello who doesn't need one of those when you are all better!
  • I would love to list all my favorite things he says but that would take a while.  He is SO expressive...
  • Have I mentioned he is 100mph?  He keeps this pregnant mama on her toes!
  • He adores older kids and it's a JOY to see how they care and love him so well.
  • We are continually LEARNING to share with others even when it is our 'favorite' toy.
  • He is VERY adamant that 'orange is my favorite color!'

As much as I would like to elaborate on EVERYTHING - this post will never actually be 'posted' if I continuing saving and updating later.  So that's a wrap...