I know I have been MIA but I am buried somewhere underneath a pile of work at my computer trying to meet a deadline imposed by the IRS...yes, you know you love taxes!!!
The important news...........
My sweet husband's 28th birthday is TODAY!!!
Birthdays are so much fun just because I always LOVE to reflect on Psalm 139 and how the Lord knew us BEFORE we were ever even born, how He knitted us in our mother's womb, how He really did ordain all the days of our life before ONE of them even came to be, how every single detail about us - He knows - because He created us! I love how it says HOW PRECIOUS HIS THOUGHTS ARE TOWARDS US and how the sum of HIS thoughts are SO GREAT that if we were to count them - they would be MORE IN NUMBER than the sand!!!!! THAT IS A LOT OF PRECIOUS THOUGHTS considering there is a LOT of sand on this earth!!! I highly recommend memorizing this Psalm because it's amazing to meditate on His Word and let every single word in this Psalm blow your mind! So yes, I have always LOVED celebrating birthdays and the LIFE that God so wonderfully made and created.
To my boo bear, schnooky, and I'll just spare those of you reading this...
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Love!!! I thank God for you multiple times a day. You are full of so many crazy, insane, fun, weird qualities - that I know more and more everyday - God was looking at me when He created you (yes people, I'm 5 months older than Rance!). He knew then that one day we were going to live this life as ONE flesh. It makes me laugh thinking about the JOY the Father had while creating you. He knew that you were going to have a personality so special and unique and that you were going to constantly SHOUT to the mountain tops how much you LOVE Him (literally). I love to think of how the Lord must laugh at you on a daily basis in how you express your adoration towards Him!
You are an amazing husband and leader of our home! Your JOY is contagious. Your heart is beautiful. Your love for others is incredible. Even though you and I are both sinners - I am thankful that our desires in this life match perfectly. That we both want to glorify Jesus in everything we do and even when we mess up - we can forgive quickly and move on! I am blessed to be your wife. I love that we can 'DANCE CAUSE WE'RE PERFECTLY FREE'!!!!!!!!
Happy 28th Birthday!!! I love you!